Do you feel unsafe as a woman?


Well-Known Member
Do you ever feel unsafe as a woman? Women are the primary target of violence and yes it terrifies me to be a woman sometimes. I have had a couple incidents where I feared that I would be kidnapped or harassed and even raped. Self-defense can only do so much, because in a general sense men are usually stronger and harder to fall if they're bigger. So yeah, I feel unsafe as a woman.
I'm a guy, but I would like to contribute to some current events at my university. Generally, our city is pretty safe. Unfortunately, these past few weeks have saw an increase in rape and harassment cases at my university, so my female friends are definitely on a higher level of alertness than usual. I'm particularly angry when I hear that they can't even go for a short walk due to the risk to their safety. Some are pretty brave, but most still ask a buddy to walk with them when they need to go somewhere at night on campus.
For some reason, I do not, Itend to think positive, and I always pray that I do not get in such a situation, though I am always cautious.
Do you ever feel unsafe as a woman? Women are the primary target of violence and yes it terrifies me to be a woman sometimes. I have had a couple incidents where I feared that I would be kidnapped or harassed and even raped. Self-defense can only do so much, because in a general sense men are usually stronger and harder to fall if they're bigger. So yeah, I feel unsafe as a woman.

I have never felt unsafe as a woman, no. I have felt unsafe as a *human*, though... just because of places or situations in which neither gender would feel safe. If I was able, I removed myself from the situation or place and didn't return.

I think I instinctively realize that if I put myself into certain situations or with certain people or groups of people, I may not be as safe as I like, so I avoid those situations.

Oh, I also never let myself get into a situation where I'm out alone.
I have never felt unsafe as a woman, no. I have felt unsafe as a *human*, though... just because of places or situations in which neither gender would feel safe. If I was able, I removed myself from the situation or place and didn't return.

I think I instinctively realize that if I put myself into certain situations or with certain people or groups of people, I may not be as safe as I like, so I avoid those situations.

Oh, I also never let myself get into a situation where I'm out alone.

I don't purposely put myself in dangerous situations either. I went to a Wal Mart with my husband and there were three men stalking us in the store. One followed my husband, one followed me and my daughter around. No we were not being paranoid because they even followed us out of the store. They stood outside the exit doors for a long while, probably waiting to see what car we got into, but luckily my husband was smart enough to hide us where they couldn't see us until he was sure they were looking away. And this was in broad day light. Lots of people at the store. So it certainly wasn't an unsafe environment, and yet there are so many people (women especially) getting kidnapped out of parking lots. Anyone can take precaution and think they're safe, but you still need to be aware of your surroundings. It sounds paranoid, but I think it's better to keep your guard up than to assume you're safe.
When I read statistics about women in college, and women and dating violence, or date rape, I get worried for my daughter. The world seems to be exceptionally challenging for women these days, and it does make me freak out sometimes. It's hard not to be overprotective, but you want them to be safe.
Recently, there have been cases of women getting undressed in public by idle men in my region. They state that the woman in question is dressed indecently. Being a woman, I make sure that I pray for safety before I leave home. Only God can provide the ultimate protection. Most women are weaker than men physically. The fact that most idle men are on drugs makes matters worse. I never forget to say thanks to God when I get home safely.
I do not see why being a woman has to be a reason to feel unsafe, most societies these days are not that dangerous, so it's just a matter of avoiding dubious situations.
No, I do not feel unsafe as a woman. I take precautions and I never leave my house without a fully loaded Glock 19 and a fully loaded extra magazine as well as a pocket knife. I have been trained to use all of them and I will do whatever is necessary to protect myself and my family. For those who are wondering, I carry concealed so I am not making myself more of a target by carrying a gun.
There have been cases of women being being stripped in public areas just because of wearing miniskirts. There have been over 4 similar cases in Kenya and that's a very sad affair. The men claim that the women are indecently dressed but to me that's just harassment of women.
That is horrible Wameyo. You shouldn't have to be that concerned about what you are wearing to keep from being attacked in public. I usually wear jeans, but I like knowing I have the freedom to wear what I want.
I have felt unsafe a number of times. I have been yelled at by kids driving by when I was walking down the sidewalk, even had one car circle around to yell at me multiple times. I generally don't go out at night anywhere I would have to go far from where I lock my bike to the building. Most of the places I go are very safe.

I think there are a lot more creepers these days though, too many people are letting their minds run wild with all sorts of fantasy and at some point some of them start acting on it.
I think it is quite awesome to be a woman but yes it also feels quite unsafe at times. I think it can be quite dangerous to travel alone at times as it is really scary. I prefer to avoid travelling at night as much as possible. I think it is the same all over the world.*
I do now, actually. I never did. I grew up in a place where hurting a woman or a child was rare unless in the home.. never by strangers. If it did happen, it was shocking. I walked everywhere on my own growing up.. day and night and never thought twice about it. My mother didn't like it, regardless of where we lived, but I had places to be lol. I've moved from my home town twice, to two different cities.. very large cities and now I don't feel as safe. I feel surrounded by crime even though apparently, these cities are pretty safe compared to others. My current one, I don't believe that.. but I live in a safe section, so I'm trying to ignore it. I don't watch the news or I'd be to scared to leave my home lol. Anyway.. the last city I was in, it was quite common to hear of crimes against women.. it was shocking to me. Ever since, I won't go anywhere alone at night. Which, I guess is a pretty good thing to practice in general lol, but I'm just not used to the worry yet. The bigger the city, the more crime you have to deal with.. it's the only thing I miss about my home town. Most of the crime was petty.
I think that there are some regions that are more dangerous to women, so those areas should be avoided or women should not go there alone, sadly is the reality that we have.
I asked this question to my sister,and few of my girl-friends.Their instantaneous reply was "why fear when you guys are here".They really repose so much faith in us.I was moved to tears for a sec.
There was a time when I walked and went wherever with much thought about my safety. Then I meant my husband and he started sharing things on the news. I did not watch television for like three years before I meant him. He reintroduced me to television. That is when I started to be more aware if how the world was changing while I was in my own world.Then I started to be more fearful about going alone. Yes, as a woman I think we are the weaker sex and can be taken advantages of.
I do feel a little scared sometimes being a women in certain situations. If I am walking down the street in the middle of the city or at night there is a much higher chance that something bad is going to happen to me than if I was a man. I like being a woman and that will never change though.
I'm a guy and I am pretty much always afraid at night. I live alone, so that doesn't help. It isn't hard to relate to the feeling that women get when they feel unsafe.
There have been cases of women being being stripped in public areas just because of wearing miniskirts. There have been over 4 similar cases in Kenya and that's a very sad affair. The men claim that the women are indecently dressed but to me that's just harassment of women.
That indeed is harassment.Don't they have the right to wear what they prefer too.? Lets not too concentrating on feminism alone,but at least we need to provide them a freedom,a life that isn't male chauvinistic.