Do you fear your job?


Well-Known Member
Every day you are going out to a new day in which you have no idea as to what you will be greeted with. Does this make you fearful or scared in anyway? If not, why so?
I really hope not. I realize that a certain amount of fear is needed to stay alert and on point, but I'd like t think that there are days when they wake up and think that they are going to do something great, protect someone, and change the life of someone, in a positive way.
I would be worried if a policeman were afraid of his job. How could he protect civilians then? To be fearful for one's life is natural, but being a police officer means being able to step up, possibly risk your life to perform your duty.
Well if you are in public safety you are required by nature of your job to be vigilant and at the same time put yourself at risk when needed. Fear is something which you cant rid of when being a police officer as you dont know what to expect every time you respond to a call for help. It might be dangerous or not. But its part of their duties and responsibilities to serve and protect. And flirting with danger is something hard to get used to.