Do you develop Anxiety?


Well-Known Member
For anyone who has ever been a cop, or works in a stressful situation, have you ever developed anxiety issues? Perhaps it is a symptom of PTSD with something you have seen or encountered? What do you do when you have anxiety attacks?
PTSD is really common in a lot of high stress dangerous jobs. It also goes untreated & undiagnosed. That is unless the person is self-medicating something they don't acknowledge they have. Anxiety is an emotion a lot of people get a chance to deal with & I'm not sure it speaks specifically to PTSD unless it's overwhelming & continuous.
I think police officers develop anxiety as well, specially their job always deals with horrifying cases and terrible incidents. Their life could also be put in danger anytime which could make them feel more anxious. Cops are also just humans; there is no immunity to traumas.
I have not been in law enforcement, but I was in a highly stressful work situation for quite some time and I did develop some issues. I did not have anxiety attacks or anxiety issues outside of work, but my body got into a pattern where as soon as I pulled into the parking lot the symptoms would start up again, as if in anticipation of the triggers that came all too often. It was really miserable and ended up causing stomach pain after it went on for so long. Things were resolved and I was able to recover, but it was a really difficult year for me. I can imagine this kind of thing does and has happened to many cops, especially if they have to work in an part of town where there is a lot of tension and crime for a lengthy period of time.
I have never worked in law enforcement, but I have previously held a highly stressful job. Luckily, I never developed any PTSD or anxiety issues. What I did notice was that I kept having bouts of what I can only describe as mild cases of panic attacks, I couldn't breathe, I would hyperventilate and start to panic out of nowhere etc. It was horrible, but luckily didn't last or escalate, as shortly after they started, I was transferred out of that department to a much more laid back role that didn't involve handling abusive customer calls. I never experienced them after that :)
Anxiety is a common trait observed everywhere,people get anxious for silly stuff and the reason behind most cases is assuming something of their own.The sub conscious mind does so.I reckon the best way would be to stop putting something or the other,and don't heed to info tat sounds silly.
I also concur that PTSD is the likely outcome of officers that have anxiety. I just don't see a lot of the "tough guy" sorts dealing with their stress through a therapist. The anxiety is going to build until it breaks them. This really is too bad, because I believe if they have this kind of stress, most likely it is in the line of duty, and it is a shame that someone who is doing their job well and helping others can be completely destroyed for doing good.
I worked a very stressful job a couple of years ago and I developed some anxiety issues, especially since I had to always be on the spot if my services were needed.
I took medicine for my problems but it didn't help that much, time solved some of my issues though and I'm coping just fine nowadays.
Developing it is a common phenomenon :P
i mean every other individual has anxiety but what is more important is countering and taking requisite measures to curb it in time,before it starts to take control of you.