Do police officers get suspended for being overweight?


Well-Known Member
As you probably already know, a running joke about police officers is that they are overweight. Although I have rarely seen a law enforcer who was obese, a few could lose about 20 pounds.

With this said, do police officers get suspended for being overweight? If so, what are the parameters?
Suspension..??,doesn't it seem a bit harsh.Although that would make them more conscious about their fitness levels,it is surely harsh.I have never seen any officer being pulled up for being overweight.They make their own rules and if we do question them over their negligence,we would be fined for something or the other.
I think that if their condition doesn't allow them to do their job, a talk is in order, but these are most likely exceptional situations, a police officer must be able to run, that's a minimum.
Suspension..??,doesn't it seem a bit harsh.Although that would make them more conscious about their fitness levels,it is surely harsh.I have never seen any officer being pulled up for being overweight.They make their own rules and if we do question them over their negligence,we would be fined for something or the other.

Thats the idea ! Especially in America where they are referred to as "donut munching morons". LOL getting a fine for calling an officer fat ! Is it really coming to that ?
Thats the idea ! Especially in America where they are referred to as "donut munching morons". LOL getting a fine for calling an officer fat ! Is it really coming to that ?
Gotcha...maybe we should force a suspension if they keep repeating the same mistake,like no efforts to reduce body weight or something like that.Does it sound good or..?
Donut munching morons..:D :D..:P
Most police departments require a yearly FIT TEST, if they don't they better change it soon. If they fail the fit test they usually get a second chance. However, if their police department has a union once there off probation they can get away with almost anything
I have no idea about the knowledge behind the question but I really want to know, some of the police officers here in the UK are quite damn out of shape, I'd like to see someone drink alcohol in the streets and get the fat police officers to chase the person down.
I have no idea about the knowledge behind the question but I really want to know, some of the police officers here in the UK are quite damn out of shape, I'd like to see someone drink alcohol in the streets and get the fat police officers to chase the person down.

The reason I asked this question is because my father and brother both retired from the military. They endured strict guidelines about weight. For each - standing 6'3 and 6'5 - it wasn't always easy. So, I constantly saw them exercising and eating right. I presumed this must be similar for police officers since their ability to move effects in some ways their efficiency on the job - unless they just push paper all day.
If they're not able to perform their job, they'll probably be assigned to office tasks or other tasks that don't require too much action until they lose weight, I guess. Even though I've been pulled over by cops that totally look like a very big and large football ball.
That's the issue, not only the practical side of the question, in case of a chase of a physical confrontation they need to be fit, but also what sort of an example a obese police officer gives?
I think that the obese officer should be put through a fitness program to restore his or her physical fitted shape. Suspending them would be too negative. You can't just suspend someone for being obese you have to help them realize that it is a health risk and they need to act.
And, it shows a terrible image of the department too, if you see it. Police officers are supposed to be trained regular to do their job properly. Seeing an obese officer doesn't make it look like he even trains at all.
Exactly, I think that regular examinations of the physical condition could be mandatory to determine if the agent is still fit or not.
You would think that an overweight officer not behind a desk wouldn't be able to perform their duties, and would become more of a liability. But I am curious to know how they handle this within the police force
I don't think police officers can get suspended for being overweight, if they can still perform their daily duties. But if you ask me, police officers should be fit and agile! They have to be able to pursue a criminal, sprint after them if need be! You can't do that if you are obese, right? There should be strict yearly tests for all the officers, just to make sure they are capable of doing their job properly. If they work at an office, I don't see a problem with being overweight, apart from the obvious health reasons.
Being a cop does not always just mean you have to rely on the gun. You have to be in shape enough to get the bad guys physically so they won't hurt someone else. If you are obese then you are not going to make it in the world of law enforcement since that is a physically mobile job. You can do better at a desk job but on the beat you would get slaughtered.
The only obese officers I've seen where always doing desk work and were older, like forty years old or more. The fit men and women doing jobs out in the field, you may possibly be a little 'overweight' are still physically fit enough to do their job. Around here though, even in a small major city, we have officers on bikes and horses which takes a lot of physical effort; and all the power to them as they are often made fun of my civilians, which I don't understand at all.
This is interesting but because of discriminatory guidelines, it would be addressed as an issue of performance and the ability to run. I mean, if someone was truly fit and wanting to commit a crime, they could easily sprint as soon as a morbidly obese officer arrived on the scene.
This is interesting but because of discriminatory guidelines, it would be addressed as an issue of performance and the ability to run. I mean, if someone was truly fit and wanting to commit a crime, they could easily sprint as soon as a morbidly obese officer arrived on the scene.

Hopefully that physically fit criminal does not have a gun or the obese officer would be taking a load of bullets. This is why cops have to be fit or else they would be killed quickly. Even the senior officers and veterans know that fitness is important.