Do people join the police for the benefits?


Well-Known Member
In most countries the police force offer good benefits; a pension. medical care and also funeral costs that are worth a lot. Is it an incentive to join and do people retire early so they can keep the benefits?
It wouldn't surprise me if some people joined the police force for the benefits but I suppose that most don't. Being a cop is rather risky and most people would prefer safer jobs even if the benefits don't match those they'd get if they were cops. I'm just speculating though. I suppose the reason(s) for joining the police force would vary from individual to individual . . . on a case by case basis.
In the states unions are falling to the wayside here. Politically they've become hot button issues that politicians don't want to directly associate with for fear of ostracizing any voters. Democrats used to be the only party to even speak the name 'union'. Now, not so much.
I think the fringe benefits certainly don't hurt, but I doubt they'd be the sole motivation. I guess like Rainman says, it's probably different from person to person. They'll have their own different reasons for joining up. For all those benefits (in Botswana: a good pension scheme, heavily discounted medical private health care scheme, heavily discounted housing and utility bills etc), being a police offer is demanding, you work too many unsocial hours and it can be highly stressful and dangerous. I personally wouldn't do it, even for the benefits. But I do admire and respect those who do, and actually have a passion for it and care for their communities.
I guess so. The reason for joining the police varies from person to person. They probably would like to be police officers because of the benefits, but some of them would just want to help other people and protect the community, or maybe they came from a family of cops, something like it's already expected of them to take the same path as well.
I’d imagine there are some, just like there are in any job with good benefits. In fact I’m pretty sure someone I know joined the force for idealistic reasons, disliked it, quit for a while and then ended up going back for the benefits. I do like to think the majority of police officers would NOT have joined the force solely for the incentive of the benefits. But hey, everyone has their reasons; who am I to judge?
There are other roles in the police force, desk work, dog handlers and roles that have more sociable hours. I think it depends on the community, if it's a close knit one, people will want to join. Communities that are violent and have high levels of crime may not be as attractive. People with children do worry about healthcare and those benefits can be worth it and I hear people do take this into consideration, as the police don't try to get out of paying benefits.
I know a few friends personally who joined the police force for the benefits. It's a pretty secure job with decent pay, I'd really like to see the entry requirements for such a profession raised as a result.