Do people act different on the show cops than normal?


Active Member
I have always wondered about the show cops. I'm pretty sure that each city they film in is informed that cops will be filming there. However, humans have a tendency to act different in front of a camera. I truly wonder how many people exaggerate their actions because they know they are on television. I do believe that most of what I see on their in genuine. This is especially the case with the more serious crimes. However, for the lesser offenses, I wonder if people just simply enjoy the fact that they are on television. I'm aware that they have to sign a contract agreeing to show their face. I also wonder if they are offered some sort legal incentive to do so.
I would say that the amount of footage that is reviewed by the shows that gets rejected if FAR greater than what you see going on. People always act differently when they know they are being filmed. Taking these two things into consideration I could guess that the stuff you see on TV is not a very good representation of what cops go through.
People will always act differently if they know that they are being filmed. Actually I believe that I would show my better side if I knew for a fact that I will appear on TV. I am also sure that these people wear their best clothes when the show is being shot in their region. We all like to look our best when we can.
Yeah, people always put on a show or get excited when they are on TV, it's just the way it is, people want to look good or prove to be intelligent lol. is quite normal to be a different self on a show than in reality.Also when they are personified in a different way it lends a different shade of respect acc to them.well i have done it and it is my experience speaking right now..:P
I was never on TV, but I guess that I would act differently as well knowing that thousand of people would have their eyes on me. But maybe the best is just to act naturally.
I am pretty sure they do. Have you noticed how it's always "Harrah for the team" on these episodes? I am not saying the police don't work together, but there's always like nine guys going after one teenager. At the end of a minor scuffle they are literally high-fiving each other like they took down Osama Bin Laden. That's a wee bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?
People will always act differently if they know that they are being filmed. Actually I believe that I would show my better side if I knew for a fact that I will appear on TV. I am also sure that these people wear their best clothes when the show is being shot in their region. We all like to look our best when we can.

You seem to be in the minority. A lot of people act even dumber when they know they are on camera. Either acting like fools and pushing each other over in order to insure that they actually get on camera, or doing something stupid to insure that they REMAIN on camera. I hate having my photograph taken and cant imagine how I would feel if I knew that a movie camera was on me. I know I'd refuse to let the cameras into my house if there was ever a reason that they came with the police.
Well, when I saw the show they filmed in Cleveland, it seemed just about right. That's how people act and they got a case from all different types of Cleveland's "finest." I'm sure some people act up for the cameras, it just seems inevitable, but they have lots of footage to choose from and I think they will choose the best footage they get from the entire night. I actually find COPS to be somewhat calm compared to the things that I know can happen.
I am pretty sure they do. Have you noticed how it's always "Harrah for the team" on these episodes? I am not saying the police don't work together, but there's always like nine guys going after one teenager. At the end of a minor scuffle they are literally high-fiving each other like they took down Osama Bin Laden. That's a wee bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?

It's ridiculous isn't it! Also, I am not sure it does the reputationof the police any good. The public want to see them catching serious criminals, not silly teenagers. When they start high-fiving, I always think that they must really love arresting people!
So happy that someone made a topic about this as I have been wondering the same thing for years. lol. But figured just as all of you said that of course they are going to put on a better show for the camera.
I do believe that they act quite different on the show cops than normal. It is quite sad that they do all that just to put up a small show among people.
I often wonder this as well. You would think having a camera watch your every move would impact your actions somewhat. I feel as though there would be a lot less aggression from criminals with a camera present. The officers probably follow the rules closely while under observation.