Did i do right in this situation?


Well-Known Member
So I was driving home today and bumped into a car in front of me that was stopped at a red light. We both pull over to examine the damages. I immediately said I'm sorry I hit your car, at no point during our exchange did I try to deny that I hit his car, because I did.

My car was fine, but he said my license plate made two scratches on his back bumper and wanted my insurance info. These are teeny tiny scratches and he said he wants to get it fixed because he doesn't want it to rust. I almost gave him my insurance info when I realized that heck no, there's no way that my car would've made those two scratches.
My license plate was much lower than the scratches on his car. So I suggested that we call the police because I had just drove past one a block away. He say no, I got to get to work. So I drove my car a little close to his just so he can get a better look and realize as well, that my car did not make the damages he claims it did. but he won't have it. He kept asking for my insurance, and I kept refusing so he went to get a pen/paper to get my license number, and then I went to car car to get my camera so I can document the "damages". After he got my license, he went back into his car to drive away and I chased after him yelling at him to stop because I hadn't gotten a picture of his license plate yet.
He would've driven away but he drive into a dead end at the gas station, and started backing into me. Then he stopped, got out of his car, and started threatening me. Literally, came a couple of inches away from me to yell at me. I got my info license back and called the police and he just pulled off.
When the officer arrived he took a statement and wrote down his tag number from the pic i took and asked if i wanted to get him picked up for leaving the scene. I just wanted to make sure i wouldn't get accused of ruining his car. The officer told me to hold onto the pics i took of both cars and if nothing became of it then oh well. Was this the right thing to do in this situation?
If your license plates were higher than the scratches, it could've been true, as when you brake, the front of your car lowers a bit, depending on your suspension. Since they were higher, it's impossible, unless he made a hard brake or you accelerated in the moment of the crash.

You should've called the police on scene immediately though, in my opinion, as soon as the conversation started to derail. His attitude wasn't right at all, though. If the other part refuses to give you the insurance details for a friendly report, you can always submit your part and just claim the other party refused to give his details, so he had no reason at all to do this.

All in all, you've done good, I don't know if I'd handle be yelling at and threatened without getting out of the car and see what's what face to face with him. Some people just like to jump on someone else like they're on the top.
The officer gave me his card also and said if i had any problems from the situation arise to give him a call. The guy was acting funny so I'm sure he didn't want me to call the police. The threatening bluster act he put on was enough to make me go on and call though.
Sounds like you have it under control. Just listen to what the authorities tell you and also try to stay away from that guy. If you have to interact with him then you should do so in a public place because he sounds like he may not be very stable.
Sounds like you have it under control. Just listen to what the authorities tell you and also try to stay away from that guy. If you have to interact with him then you should do so in a public place because he sounds like he may not be very stable.

Exactly. If he ever contacts you in order to resolve the situation or something, don't trust him just like that.
Oh no not planning to get in contact anytime soon. If he calls we can meet at the local police station.
I wouldn't say you did the wrong thing. Personally, I wouldn't have moved my car up at all and would've called the police immediately if there was any dispute about the damage. Other than that, in my opinion, you absolutely did the right thing.
Guy sounded like an aggressive prick that needed a beat down. If there are doubts that you made the scratches then immediately get a third party over (aka the police) to make a decision. I doubt he starts bitching at an officer's decision.
You seem like a decent enough guy. The only wrong thing I would say is you should have insisted on calling the police even after he said no. He knew he was trying to pull a fast one on you so he didn't want the police involved.
Ah...easy..you have it under control,and you did the right thing.Maybe,you could have insisted that the cops take a look at the scratches and your vehicles license plates.
His attitude was bad..and just in case he bumps into you and creates nuisance again,call the cops and let them deal with this moron.
I think you did right, a lot of people just want to take advantage of accidents to repair previous damages, it's common practice, so good that you had a sharp eye. ;)
Sounds like you did the right thing. Obviously he was trying to get away with something, or he wouldn't have become so aggressive over you getting his information as well. I agree that as soon as there is any kind of dispute/digruntlement that the police should be called. Better to have the extra pair of eyes (and badge) there to help keep folks in line.
It's very difficult to understand what is wrong or what is right to do in situations like these whilst you're experiencing them, and afterwards you can still feel like you could've done better - In my opinion, I think what you did was fine, and as long as this situation is solved by the proper authorities, it is okay.