Detroit woman arrested after children found in freezer


Well-Known Member
The bodies of an 11 year old boy and a 14 year old girl were found in a freezer in a Detroit home yesterday during an eviction. Their mother has been arrested and post-mortems are being carried out to establish their cause of death. A neighbour claimed that she hadn't seen the children for around a year so who knows how long they had been there.

What a gruesome find. I hope the officers involved are receiving adequate support - I'm certain an experience like this could mentally scar you for life.

Detroit mother arrested after children found in freezer - BBC News
That is beyond crazy, children missing for about a year, I wonder if they had relatives, maybe they would have missed them and asked about them, but that is one crazy lady, to possibly live in your house knowing very well that your dead childrens bodies are in your freezer!
I think the reason why the murders weren't discovered early is because neither of the two dead kids were enrolled in Detroit schools? Had they been in Detroit schools maybe the school would have tried to find out why the kids suddenly stopped going to school. Not that it would have made a difference. The woman could lie. The kids moved to another State to live with their rich Uncle. Anyone would have believed that.

Mothers murdering their children — it's getting to be a disturbing trend.
This is one of the dangers from home schooling, if there are issues at home then the child has no one else to turn to. In some ways the school system has saved many children from abuse and neglect with schools and teachers becoming suspicious. I guess the neighbor didn't want to interfere, but again they are the ones that know more than they realize.
This is one of the dangers from home schooling, if there are issues at home then the child has no one else to turn to. In some ways the school system has saved many children from abuse and neglect with schools and teachers becoming suspicious. I guess the neighbor didn't want to interfere, but again they are the ones that know more than they realize.

It's funny.. in all my years involved with children and the school system etc.. I always wondered why so many were in such horrible family situations that nobody was doing anything about. If a child is homeschooled or schooled, it takes a only moment to kill.
A YEAR!? Oh my gosh! I can just imagine some psycho woman getting fed up with her kids and throwing them in the freezer. Or killing them and thinking that freezing them somehow make it easier to hide the crime.
How long would these children have stayed in that refrigerator if this woman paid her bills & was not evicted? That's the scariest part of this story. Mental illness is the only thing I can even imagine being the reason behind this.
Homeschooling didn't kill these kids, an evil woman did! And public school wouldn't have saved their lives, at best it would have cast suspicion on the mother, AFTER the fact. I've seen kids in school who were so dirty, always hungry and had mothers who looked like they were addicted to meth. I've never seen one taken away from it's crappy parents unless it had bruises. Then they only take them away for awhile. So sorry for these poor children and so many like them!
This is one of the dangers from home schooling, if there are issues at home then the child has no one else to turn to. In some ways the school system has saved many children from abuse and neglect with schools and teachers becoming suspicious. I guess the neighbor didn't want to interfere, but again they are the ones that know more than they realize.

I highly doubt that their homeschooling was the reason why they were put in a freezer and killed. Maybe it was the mother's idea to home school her kids, but even that, how many parents throw their kids in a freezer, or kill their children, just because they are homeschooled?
She is one sick lady! I hope they throw the book at her! There is no excuse for hurting your children. If you do you deserve the worst punishment the legal system can dish out
UPDATE: The autopsies showed that the children had been beaten to death. Their mother, Mitchelle Blair, has been charged with murder. We still don't know how long the children have been dead but Blair's other two kids, who are 8 and 17, have been placed into the care of a relative.
I honestly am hoping that if something this sickening and horrible happened, that this woman is incredibly mentally ill. I can't believe that anyone in their right mind would willingly do something like this.
Words can't express the evil that lady has done. Just wrapped them both up in a plastic bag. How do people turn into such monsters? One could say she's been pretty sick all her life. They should make sure people like this can never be able to have children ever again. Not sure how that would work, but there are SOOO many parents who shouldn't be parents out there.