Death Penalty

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
Although the death sentence involves a lengthy appeals process, we keep finding people who were wrongfully convicted.

Do you believe in the death penalty? If so, do you think the appeals process is good as is, or needs reform?
I don't believe in the death penalty, I think that makes us equal to the ones that murder. I do believe in life in jail though.
No. I don't believe in the death penalty because it's only an act of revenge and does nothing to discourage the same crimes from recurring. I believe that another approach should be taken to reduce crime, and life in prison is best because it at least gives the criminal a chance to evolve and realize the difference between themselves then and the future. In fact, there's a documentary on Netflix about lifers in prison for a crime they committed when they were a teenager. These men are different now, more matured, and remorseful for they did, which is eliminated with capital punishment. The wrong doer never has the chance see a change in themselves.
I'm a bit mixed on the death penalty. I agree with a previous post that there is a bit of revenge involved in the process. I'm not a fan of the 'eye for an eye' approach to justice.

Admittedly, sometimes I do hear of a story about a crime where my knee-jerk reaction is that the death penalty is deserved. But I then ask myself whether I'm any better than a baying, blood-thirsty mob from a less civilized time.
I would say no to the death penalty. But if another Adolph Hitler was around I would gladly make an exception.
I only believe in the deathe penalty when someone was caught red handed in the act of killing or when they are sure that the accused is guilty,but at the sane time you find that some are still accused fasely, so it is crazy but i do believe in the death penalty.
The death penalty argument is often quoted as being a strong deterrent towards crime. When applied to extremely serious crimes like mass murdering, I think that such a punishment is acceptable.
I don't think we should kill other people, what would make us different from them in that case?
I think the death penalty should be optional. I mean, we shouldn't be allowed to take someone else's life just because he, in turn, took a life. But we should give them a choice. Do they want to live the rest of their lives in jail or do they choose death?

If the death penalty would be optional, I would support it.
I do not believe in the death penalty. I believe anybody who has done a murder or rape should be locked up for life, no blankets, outside time, no medical rights, bread and water nothing. Death is too good for people who commit these type of crimes.
I believe that the death penalty should exist everywhere for people who plead GUILTY for murder. It is only fair that if you kill someone then you should be put to death too. That's how it should be no questions asked. So many murderers now a days are getting it off a little too easy and are back out wandering the streets and it is not right.
Although the death sentence involves a lengthy appeals process, we keep finding people who were wrongfully convicted.

Do you believe in the death penalty? If so, do you think the appeals process is good as is, or needs reform?

I think it needs to be fixed. So many innocent people go on death row while so many sex offenders wander free. Meanwhile, drug dealers and users are doing time and murders continue to murder. Can anyone explain to me how this is justice?
I am personally against the death penalty, but not because it takes lives. The prisoner is not a victim, he/she killed people to be where they are. It is the appeals process that is ridiculous. The ten to twenty years of appeals is far too long. In the Old West a hanging judge would dispatch the guilty party the next day. That was frontier justice!
I am in favor of it because I feel it is the appropriate punishment for first degree murder. We have pretty good ways of getting conclusive evidence now with DNA. If they can not prove reasonable doubt, then I think we can be pretty confident we have the right person. Reasonable doubt is not the same as proving not guilty. To convict you have to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. So if there isn't sufficient evidence for that, you can't convict. Appeals are there to protect people from wrongful conviction, but I think they need to streamline it a little bit so it doesn't drag out forever.
I think the death penalty is appropriate for people who commit unprovoked murder in front of witnesses. And I don't believe there should be a long drawn out appeals process. Since life is the most precious gift we possess, then those who senselessly take it, should have theirs taken.
I believe in the death penalty more then I believe in life in prison. If you did something bad enough to get locked in a cell for the rest of your life, why is it the tax-payers responsibility to pay for that?
I think it was Texas that implemented a rule about if there were 3 or more witnesses to a horrific crime you skip the long stay on death row and go right to the chair. I'm for it!
Sadly there are WAY too many people in prisons across this wonderful nation of ours, and what makes it even worse is that most of those people aren't even institutionalized for violent crimes. more times then not, disagreeing with the status- quo could land you in jail for an extended stay. A lot of these amateur criminals, instead of realizing their mistakes have to change the way they live on the inside (because of violent offenders) and end up getting a crash course of illegal activities of all sorts.
I may not have the answer, but I would definitely have to say we need some type of prison reform.
No, I don't approve of the death penalty. The death penalty assumes a perfect justice system. No country has a perfect justice system. The risk of killing an innocent person outweighs the "benefit" of killing a guilty person.
I think there needs to be harsher punishment for certain crimes. I don't think all criminals should receive the same punishment as others. For instance, if someone proven to have raped and molested a child that person should get whipped the amount of times he or she has done it or based on how many victims. You know something like that. I know it sounds barbaric, but the fact that we have such light punishments for horrible crimes make it seem like going to prison is no big deal to people. On top of that I don't think drug dealers and users should go to prison they should seek help.
Although the death sentence involves a lengthy appeals process, we keep finding people who were wrongfully convicted.

Do you believe in the death penalty? If so, do you think the appeals process is good as is, or needs reform?
Despite the hue and cry over the abolishment of the death penalty,we should also consider the aggrieved party,i.e. the family of the deceased party and their quest for justice.I believe that no one has the right to take away the life of an innocent human being and that whoever does should suffer the same fate.
I think it is warranted by individual case. Any case that involved extreme brutality, torture and/or rape before the murder should end with the death penalty. I also think that the appeal process is ridiculously long. There should be a strict time limit. Two years is plenty. Fifteen to twenty years on death row is a tremendous waste of taxpayer money. More people probably die from natural causes than lethal injection.