Deadly incidents in South Afric as Xenopbobia creeps in


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Deadly incidents in South Africa as Xenophobia creeps in

The recent case of deadly attacks by South Africans on people from different countries is just shocking. Seriously, what is the world coming to? Killing someone just because he is from a different country! So tragic! What are your thoughts on that incident?
This story has been rumbling in South Africa for some time but has really exploded with this incident. If I remember rightly, there was a huge backlash about 5 years ago during the peak of the economic crisis against people from Zimbabwe, Botswana and other southern African countries. There were a lot of attacks if I'm not mistaken back then.
Yeah I recall reading a disturbing story about a young man from Mozambique being necklaced by some South Africans. That was 5 years ago. While unemployment and other social issues might make people angry lashing out against others who haven't wronged them doesn't solve the problems does it? Their anger should instead be directed at their government for failing to deliver on their promises to improve the quality of life of "Native" South Africans.
As a South African, I can tell you that the situation is tense. I fell very uneasy as I am aware how these incidents can spiral out of control into a full scale war. Let me assure you that this is the view of a minority group as the majority of South African citizens are totally appalled with these actions. Many South Africans took part in a peace march yesterday and with the assistance of the police had to ward off the trouble makers. Many were arrested and the peace march went ahead regardless. This problem is only one of which has been brewing for some time in this country.
As a South African, I can tell you that the situation is tense. I fell very uneasy as I am aware how these incidents can spiral out of control into a full scale war. Let me assure you that this is the view of a minority group as the majority of South African citizens are totally appalled with these actions. Many South Africans took part in a peace march yesterday and with the assistance of the police had to ward off the trouble makers. Many were arrested and the peace march went ahead regardless. This problem is only one of which has been brewing for some time in this country.

I never thought that the current situation in South Africa is that bad now. That really sounds pretty alarming and disturbing. Is peace really unachievable nowadays? I kind of feel sorry for those innocent citizens suffering from all these issues.
This is truly appalling and heartbreaking! I saw the pictures and they were gruesome, so graphic; people attacked with machetes, some of them barely alive! I just don't get it, especially from a group of people who themselves endured years of persecution and had to flee their motherland in search of refuge across the globe! I'd expect them to be a lot more understanding and accommodating! It's just shameful.

The interesting thing is no White people or those from Botswana are being targeted. I'm guessing Botswana citizens aren't being attacked because they aren't viewed as "foreigners" as such and the two countries have always had this "kinship". But even still, as a Botswana citizen, I wouldn't feel safe, I've never felt safe even just flying through South Africa. Beautiful country, no two ways about it; but it still has A LONG WAY to go in terms of healing and resolving its catalogue of social ills :(
Maybe the Zulu King never should have said "foreigners should take their bags and go".that might have just flared them up a bit more and now he is seen appealing for calm,why should he actually fuel up and attack.? In the midst of all this,he want to investigate the hate speeches.God save him and the country from all this.
I can honestly say am ashamed to be an African at the moment. I mean how fast do we forget our history? We endured years of slavery and torture under the hands of colonialists and now we are turning against each other? And for what? No wonder we are referred to as the dark continent! Shame on us!
After the days of apartheid, you'd think that the residents of South Africa could be a little more tolerant towards each other. I know that the social problems in SA are immense, particularly the gap between the rich and the poor, but blaming migrants is not the answer. Surely, the government should be held accountable and I think that the protests relaly want to be directed here. After all, the migrants don't have the power to change anythng, only the government can.
I can honestly say am ashamed to be an African at the moment. I mean how fast do we forget our history? We endured years of slavery and torture under the hands of colonialists and now we are turning against each other? And for what? No wonder we are referred to as the dark continent! Shame on us!
So true..!!
but nah,its a pity that they are turning up against each other for nothing.When you zero in n it,it really is for "nothing" big.
but yeah,don't worry,times surely shall change.
The South African took his time hoping that the Xenophobic attacks would die down without intervention. He's decided to send in the army to quell the violence. They should have done that earlier rather than wait for the situation to spiral out of control first.