Crazy things cops do


Anyone else here ever seen a cop turn on his lights, run a red light, then turn them back off?


What are some crazy things you've seen cops in your area do?
I have never seen a cop do that, or any crazy stuff, for that matter. However, my mother works in the medical domain, and she has told me that people from the hospital often use the ambulance sirens so they can drop colleagues off at home faster, or so that they are able to get to a supermarket faster.
The second I read the title of this thread I knew exactly what I wanted to share:
Oh my goodness, yes, and I have almost been hit like 3 times by an officer doing this in my home town.

I had witnessed it several times sitting at red lights (thank goodness I do not live there anymore) but to be honest, I have had to wonder often if the cop was just busy doing something in his/her car, set for cruise, and forgot to stop?

As mentioned, I have also been in the right of way of a green light (3 times) on my way home from work (always within this same 1 mile radius) and at these red lights in one of the busiest parts of the city, officers would turn their lights on as they are going through the light, not a second before or warning they are doing so. Usually when they did it, they were speeding to the point you wouldn't notice they were there until they are right in front of you or seconds away from hitting you.

I am not sure what to think about these situations, but I sure wish someone could justify because it has imposed serious thoughts in my mind regarding job negligence/abuse.

I should have watched the video before I commented but when I did watch...

I know it is supposed to be a "haha" video, but lets be honest; did it not seem he was driving a little too fast for the fact that both his hands come off the steering wheel several times, and that his eyes were closed, looking away, and not really focused on the road?

I am in no way implying that officers cannot have that sort of fun while on duty, but would they not be quick to give a ticket to someone who they caught driving with no hands on the steering wheel (reckless)? In my opinion, it is comparable to texting while driving.
I have never seen any cops do anything like this in my time. I am not saying that it doesn't happen, but I have never seen it. I think that some people just really enjoy bashing cops and if they see something even remotely questionable they take off with it and run.
I have seen a cop use his sirens and drive fast almost crashing into us around night time. I also seen a cop drive with the sirens on just to get to Taco Bell and then he cuts them off. It makes no sense that some of these cops pull this mess and are not apologetic about it.
In my country, there's a standing joke that if a cop car drives by really fast, with their lights on, they must be on the way to their tea break!

Of course, not all cops are like that, but I have heard far too many stories to believe that this doesn't happen!