Couch to 5k


Has anyone tried this program: From couch potato to 5k? Have you achieved good results? Do you take fitness with a schedule in mind or just do it? Do you like to record (note-taking) what you do each day?
Couch to 5k (often abbreviated C25K) has been very effective for a lot of people I know. When I first tried running (before hearing of C25K), I downloaded the app RunKeeper, and I really liked the app's design and functionality; so later, instead of downloading a separate app, I just found a program in RunKeeper's database that was based off of it. It worked fantastically for me - pushed my endurance just the right amount each run, and the goal motivated me to keep going.

As for whether freestyling it or having a plan is better - that's entirely up to you and the way your reward system works. This should be pretty easy to figure out. Start by saying "I should run more", and then try to organically work that into your life. After, say, a week or two, honestly assess whether or not you're keeping to your desire to run more. If the answer is no, then go enjoy the fruits of the digital age, and get an app that won't let you forget. ;)
It is good for people who have relatively no fitness, however I think that if you're taking it literally (i.e. at the moment you can hardly move off the couch) you might be in for a bit of a shock. I would try and make the effort to go out walking for a couple of weeks before you try to start this, as it might just give your body the help it needs to be able to cope with the challenges that are to come. It is vital that you do stick with it though, as even a break of a week or so could set your fitness back a lot.
Actually, it *is* designed for people who can barely get off the couch! It builds up your stamina in small increments, and you can stay at any stage as long as you need to and of course go at a pace that is sustainable to you. It's a really great program.

I used MapMyRun and it kept me motivated by drawing a map of my route, keeping time, pace, etc. It would post to facebook which also help a lot with motivation because friends or other mapmyrun users would post encouraging things.

C25K gives you more structure to follow if you need that, and mapmyrun type apps leave the structuring to you.

I also used a fitbit which had a ton of motivating features.
Thanks for all the good apps and advice.
I've been trying the C25K program, not in a strict sense. I just need to commit to the schedule. It's so hard to find time and the motivation[so hard to wake at 6am to go running before going the work]. I need to find a better schedule. And my knees are so sore after "running". Maybe I should a pre-C25K program rather than going head first into C25k.

Thanks for all the responses.
I've heard good things about it, but personally I've never tried it. One of my friends is on it atm, but he's just starting, so he can't confirm the big change.

But any activity is good, so go ahead and do it, if you can.
Especially if the activity is written by a fitness trainer, like C25K is.
I did C25K a few years ago when I started running. Previous to that, I had not been a runner, AT ALL. A few months ago, I ran my first half marathon, and have my 2nd half marathon coming up in 3 weeks. It is a great program for those just beginning. I biggest advice is to just stick with the program. It may feel easy at first, but do what they say! You will be amazed at what you can condition your body to do over time!
Quite baffling for me,because i really have never hear of the program.Does anyone have an explanation to why it is called so..?.I read through the comments and it looks like a Pre-C25K is essential before going in to the main one.
Also can anyone elucidate clearly to what they did in their schedules..?
I have heard people say there is good results, but the only way that someone would ever be a couch potato is if they were unemployed, I work the common 8 hour day and all I am doing is walking all day. I wish I was a couch potato!