Cops Assault and Arrest Woman Who Requested Them To Teach Kids Lesson


Well-Known Member
A Bronx mother who caught her son stealing $10 from her wallet called the cops hoping that they would help. All she wanted them to do was to talk to her son about stealing, where it would get him, etc. However when NYPD police officers arrived on the scene, one of them racially insulted Mobley, assaulted her and arrested her in front of her young children.

It was reported that out of the four officers that arrived, three of them did attempt to take an interest in the situation and teach the child about stealing. However, when a fourth officer decided to verbally and physically attack Mobley, the other officers failed to intervene and allowed the assault and wrongful arrest to continue.

Mom Asks Cops to Teach Her Child a Lesson on Stealing, Cops Assault, Arrest Her, Took Her Kids | The Free Thought Project

Serve and protect, huh?
Wow, that is horrible. I wonder if she was giving them attitude or if they noticed that she was under the influence. A similar thing happened to my uncle. His wife was hitting him and when the cops showed up, they arrested him because her chest was red. It was red from her acting up, but they saw it as him hitting her.
Wow, that is shocking! She went a little bit too far by calling the cops though, those are only 10 bucks and 4 policemen could have helped in a more important case.
Still, is mind boogling that they would arrest the poor woman for doing really nothing bad.
She did go the wrong way about things. I would have called the non-emergency line and asked to bring the boy in for a good talking to. Still, it doesn't excuse the behavior of these cops at all. What's more, I bet they got away with it scot free.
Number one, it's her job to teach her kid about stealing, not the cops. Number 2, this was in NYC. I can easily see how those particularly overstressed and hard-boiled cops would get angry at a woman who had called 911, wasting valuable resources that may have been needed else wheres. However, there is no excuse to assault her. Arrest her for whatever terminology is used to describe a stupid, useless 911 call, but don't beat her up, that's never acceptable unless the other person is using force against the LEO.
I think there must be more to this story as why would four cops turn up? Yes, she shouldn't have called them because they are busy and the hostile officer shouldn't have behaved as he did. Basically she must have threatened to call the cops and did. Reading another version she must have lied on the 911 call as they met at a gas station, so in some ways she created the situation because wasting police time is also an offense. The officer behaved badly and illegally, but she shouldn't have called 911 to scare her kids, she needed to discipline them and now they are, with scars.
What an horrible story...! At the same time I don't agree that the mom uses the police to teach a lesson to her kid, that is her job really, so who learned a hard lesson was her.
This is way too extreme! I could see if like they were friends with a cop or something like that, but you're allowing a cop to come into your house like that just to teach your kid a lesson, it's not okay. I'm not saying that stealing is okay, but there are definitely a lot better ways to teach a kid not to steal!
Assaulting the mother was never an option,worse still, racially insulting her in front of her kids.Police are paid to serve the public and it doesn't augur well for their already dented image to commit such dispeakable acts.