Cold Season - Home made remedies


Well-Known Member
Cold season is upon us!

As I type this, my throat has been scratch the past 2 days. My kids have had the sniffles and have been coughing and sneezing. Thank God, they're feeling well and have no fever. I think cold season is officially here.

I was told to help ease coughing fits, to put vapor rub on the bottom of your feet and put socks on over them. That would let you sleep through the night with minimal coughing. I've tried this a couple times, and I believe it worked!

I also heard that putting onion slices in a baby's diaper would take the fever away. This one, I never tried.

For me, if my throat hurts - I like to just have a hot cup of tea with some lemon and honey.

What do you do during cold season to help ease the symptoms? Have you heard of any at-home remedies?


Well-Known Member
I have heard of the onion remedy, but this is with adults, you take a slice of fresh onion and put it at the bottom of your feet and put on socks, this will relieve you of any bady aches.


Active Member
When I feel a cold/sore throat coming on I always always have a cup of tea with honey every night I find for some reason it makes the sickness go away at lot faster andI also find it very soothing on my throat also :)


Well-Known Member
Warm honey, or hot chocolate is a sure way to get the chills away. That, or snuggle into a nice blanket. If you're the more active type, doing some pushups/skipping pumps warm blood around your body and drives the cold away.


Well-Known Member
I have heard of the onion remedy, but this is with adults, you take a slice of fresh onion and put it at the bottom of your feet and put on socks, this will relieve you of any bady aches.

Oh wow - never heard of this being for adults. Couldn't hurt to try. At the worst, you'd feel the same and your feet would smell like onion. ;)


Active Member
One of my favorite remedies that I just found out about is golden milk. It is warm milk with tumeric. It is delicious! Another one that gets the sniffles away is about a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, a lemon and ginger teabag and a teaspoon of honey. Has you feeling no sniffles at all.


Well-Known Member
One of my favorite remedies that I just found out about is golden milk. It is warm milk with tumeric. It is delicious! Another one that gets the sniffles away is about a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, a lemon and ginger teabag and a teaspoon of honey. Has you feeling no sniffles at all.

I've never heard of golden milk. What symptoms does this help with? Also, how much milk/tumeric do you use?


Ginger and honey tea is great for soothing cold symptoms. Grape juice is also a must when you are feeling under the weather because it has antioxidants that help build immune systems.


Well-Known Member
Ginger and honey tea is great for soothing cold symptoms. Grape juice is also a must when you are feeling under the weather because it has antioxidants that help build immune systems.

Now that you mention grape juice, I have heard something different about it before. I heard that drinking grape juice can help prevent stomach bugs. The thing is, that drinking it while you have the stomach bug won't work. You have to be proactive and drink it on a regular basis. I don't know if this is true - but I read it somewhere.


Well-Known Member
In the winter, when I'm sick, I usually just drink a lot of tea and eat a lot of hot soup. Other than that, I don't know anything about other home made remedies. However, I know that adding honey in your tea can make your throat sore disappear.


Well-Known Member
If it's in the beginning stages, my sister and I use honey and cinnamon. A tablespoon of honey with generous cinnamon sprinkled on top helps us. Along with staying hydrated and getting rest.


Well-Known Member
My best remedy is, at the very first sign of a possible scratchy throat coming on, put about 1/4 tsp of baking soda in warm water, gargle and swallow. Repeat every few hours until there is no sign of any symptoms. In the evening I will chew up and swallow a small clove of raw garlic shortly after dinner, letting it burn in my mouth as long as I can stand before rinsing it down with a glass of water. I think this helps it kill off the bugs better to let it burn.

Additional measure to boost immunity and ward off or shorten a cold are taking echinacea and adding lots of rosemary to food.


Well-Known Member
Lemon, garlic, ginger, and cayenne pepper all have powerful healing properties. I only eat plant base foods as well and it works wonders for me. I recommend it to everyone!


Well-Known Member
For dry skin i use aloe vera but i reckon it ain't home made.I did learn a few stuffs in here but i believe i have nothing to offer.Thanks to you guys and if i do find something useful i will post it across here.


Well-Known Member
One method my mother used to use on me was heating a cloth on a frying pan over a stove and then gently wrapping the cloth over my neck and head and face. She did this about 10-15 times. I did used to feel better after awhile. Not immediately though.


Well-Known Member
By far the best home remedy for cold season is chicken noddle soup. What you can do to make it even more effective is add a little chopped garlic. Even those CupO'soup things they sell at Seven Eleven can make you feel better. And they're only chicken flavored.