I'd also be interested to know if they're "required" to, or if they do for another reason. Maybe it looks good in their file, or just because they're already involved with the community and want to give extra support.
I think charitable acts should not be limited to only once a year affair. It should be done on a regular basis and that cops should extend their helping hand whenever needed. Not just as a public servant but also as a human helping their own as well. If you have the means to do so then you should help out others.
I've never heard of the police in my area doing anything like that, but I might just not know about it. I like the idea of any organization or having a community service day kind of thing. It gives everyone a chance to be more social than they can be on the job and get to know each other in a more relaxed setting all while helping others out.
I think most employers try to partake in some charitable affairs as they are tax-deductible. The police should be no exception, though I would like to think that they are doing it for more noble purposes. They are serving the public as their job after all.