Can you speak other languages?

I speak at least four other language which are all regional. My country speaks at least 39 different languages hence I know a couple of few. But I always wanted to learn international language that I will surely learn soon.*
I can only speak English and I'm too lazy to learn another language. It would take too much effort on my part and I don't see a personal use in learning another language.
Apart from my native language, I speak English which is our official language and Swahili which is our national language. I have enrolled into a French class three times previously because I would love to know how to speak the language. I have not closed the page yet because I believe that I will understand it someday. Besides, I have a Swedish friend who makes me desire to talk in her language.
My first language is English but I can also get by in German and French. I can read a little Dutch and Spanish but certainly couldn't converse with anyone else beyond the usual tourist phrases.
Not a bit. I took 4 years of foreign languages when I was in school (3 years of Spanish and 1 of french) but because I was bounced around schools I didn't really learn anything more than what was needed to pass the tests. I've tried learning a bit of Japanese and German (I'm a WW2 enthusiast and there is still a lot of documents from those two nations that have not been translated) but find it very difficult to learn if you don't have someone else to talk to.
I can speak many other languages other than english. But all the languages that I speak are regional. I hope to speak international language very soon. I am planning to take online courses for learning foreign languauge.
Im French/Greek bilingual and obviously I can speak English (I have even have a Cambridge Proficiency degree :P) and I would like to learn Korean at some point, when I find the time for it.
Aside from my native language French, I fluently speak English (obviously), and I'm pretty good in Italian (well, good enough to live in Italy and study there a couple of months, it seems) and German. I've been learning Russian a bit but I lose it very fast.
I took four years of French in high school and can still speak and read it for the most part. I good German in college. I know a small amount of conversation Japanese from my college roommate who was from Tokyo. I also know some conversational Spanish because my daughter is learning Spanish, so I am too so I can help her with her homework. I also took a quarter of Spanish and Latin in school, which helps with all foreign languages.
I am spanish native, so I can speak spanish and english too. Also I understand the catalan, and I can read (and just read, talking it will be a disaster) a bit of italian and french.
I know very limited German and Spanish. I've had casual interest in learning a second language, but never got very intense about it.
I know a bit of Spanish. This was from school though and I can't remember very much of what I learned. I've always thought it would be interesting to learn another language.
I speak quite a lot of language and I thoroughly enjoyed them. I think it is quite an advantage to learn other language. I totally love them
I know very limited German and Spanish. I've had casual interest in learning a second language, but never got very intense about it.
I guess some people do not want to learn another language. I was in an emersion program when I was in elementary school. I wished that I had stayed focused on retaining that language.
I can speak Polish, English and I am currently studying German in school.
I would be proud of myself if I knew some basics of Greek.
Well, my native language is Danish, and aside from speaking fluent English I can communicate in Swedish, Norwegian, and some German, I used to speak some Spanish, but lost that quality long ago. In general I want to stress the importance of maintaining a language, it disappears quicker than you realise if you don't train it actively...