Can you shoot someone if they trespass a private property?


Well-Known Member
I have been wondering about this for so long. My family owns a rice mill and sometimes our care takers would report to us that they saw someone suspicious lurking outside our property. My guess is, is that they are casing our place for possible entry and escape route and chances are they are up to no good. Im looking for the perfect chance that they would enter our property and shot them down. Is my plan legal or not?
No, you cannot do that. As a matter of fact, you are describing pre-meditation. That can get you life in prison.

I know a man whose wife was cheating on him. The boyfriend called the husband and said, "I'm coming over right now to kill you. I told you she is mine." The man went into the hallway of his apartment, unscrewed the light bulb then went back into his apartment with the lights off. He called the police who arrived too late. When the man broke down the door, the husband shot him dead. The husband went to jail for voluntary manslaughter--because he unscrewed the lightbulb, that made it pre-meditated. This happened in Pennsylvania, and each state has different laws.

The law is for self defense or the defense of others--not property. In some laws, criminals who break into your property have the right to sue you if you shoot them! It is true. Especially if they do not have a weapon and their intention was only to rob.

My suggestion, tell your watchman to set the alarm off a few times. When those who are casing your place hear that, they will be deterred. Consider having a dog stay with the watchmen from time to time. Open and close the place at different times. Criminals watch your routines, if your routine is not predictable, they will move onto a different target.
Not trying to sound like a jerk, but this sounds like you just want to shoot someone.

Have you done anything to disuade this from happening? Automatic lights, motion detection, etc?
Is it possible that they are NOT casing the place, you know, since we're all innocent until PROVEN guilty? Would you care if you shot a guy with no intention of stealing or doing you harm, but needed help in same case, or was confused, or mentally not all there? Or are you just looking for a reason to bust a cap in someones ass?
I think the only way you can legally shoot someone is in self-defense, so only if they were threatening you on your property might you have a case for shooting them. Vandalism or common trespassing does not warrant such an overreaction.