Can You Arrest a Kid Who Commits a Crime?


Well-Known Member
Some time back, two girls were arrested for attempting to kill their friend as a sacrifice for slenderman. Proof that kids are getting really bad and for that reason must be made to pay for their crimes. Question is, supposing a kid who is slightly younger, who may not know that what they were doing is wrong commits a crime, like stabbing a friend, would it be in order to arrest that child? Or something which may not be that serious:
Pregnant mom Mattie Ashley said she wanted to teach her 6-year-old son Alex a lesson, so she took an unusual discipline tactic. She called the police and had him arrested.
The Fort Meyers, Fla., mother insisted that police arrest her son when they arrived on the scene after the boy kicked her in the stomach.
Not a cop, but I don't think they can. Depending on their crime (murder for instance) I think they can be put on trial as an adult if they're somewhere around 14-16 I think. I've heard many stories about 16 year olds being trialled as adults.
I use to get in trouble with the law all the time when I was a kid. Depending the severity of the crime and age of the child, and the local laws, the punishment differs. My first offense was when I was 9 years old, and my mom was held accountable for that one. My second brush with the law I was 12 and charged with theft. The courts deemed that I was too young to know what I was doing and the teenagers that committed the crime with me at the time were charged to the extent of the law.

So the punishment varies depending on location, age, and severity of the crime.
I think it depends on the age of the child and the situation. In many cases if a child is caught shoplifting for instance, they call the parents and let the parents decide what to do if it's the first time. Repeats usually they will call the police as well. I know some parents will have them call the police because the experience will teach the child how serious stealing is and be a strong deterrent from getting in trouble in the future. Better for a child to learn a tough lesson right away when it will not be held against them for life if they learn from it now.
I think in the case of the slenderman girls and similar cases (heaven forbid there are others) they should have taken into account that they had everything meticulously planned. There's a difference between not understanding what's going on because you're too young to understand consequences or what's real life and what's a story -- and planning it down to which bathroom to use "because it had a floor drain for all of the blood." Those girls knew exactly what was going on - isn't that premeditated? I don't care how old you are - if you premeditate something like that, you know what's going on.

But in smaller cases like the mom "arresting" her son - I don't know about that. I think if it's something major, a teachable life lesson like getting caught stealing. If my kid (not too young) was caught stealing, I would take them to the mall/store security and ask them to put a little information in their brain about what would happen if they were caught by the law. Not to "scare" them, but to teach them what would happen.

Edited to say: I just saw the second quote in the OP - what a little brat! Now he deserves to be taught straight by law enforcement.
Minors cannot be arrested, they are just detained until their legal guardian picks them up I believe.
It depends on the crime. If it is serious and something like murder then yes they can be arrested and tried as an adult. If it something minor then they can be detained until parents are notified. Most times the state will ask for a repeat offender that is underage to be sent to some sort of reform school or program to help them learn some responsibility.
I think it depends on the crime as well as their age. If they are old enough, they could go to jail for their crimes because they will be charged as an adult. As for the quote about the kid who kicked his mother, I don't blame her for wanting the cop to teach the kid a lesson. Maybe that will teach him from doing terrible things like that.
Minors cannot be arrested, they are just detained until their legal guardian picks them up I believe.

No, they can be arrested depending how the severity of the crime. It's not as easy as that for them, luckily.
yes they can be arrested depending on the nature of the crime,if heinous,then they surely will be.Oh wait,there is a term juvenile for a reason right.They can be locked up for a crime like this there with the other juveniles.
Did you guys see the 12-12-12 movie..? If its like that kiddo,who was just born,it surely might be arrested..:P