Brawl on the Beach (Mother's Day at Revere Beach, MA)

Diane Lane

Well-Known Member
I used to go to this beach when I was growing up in the Boston area. It's such a shame when things like this happen, especially on Mother's Day. I think part of the problem is selfishness. Many these days don't care about anyone but themselves. They also obviously don't think there should be any consequences to bad behavior, since the problem escalated when the instigators were arrested. Mother's Day Brawl Breaks Out At Revere Beach In Massachusetts Enormous Brawl on Revere Beach in Mass. | NECN
That's nuts. I don't know why people start or join fights like that, but selfishness probably has a lot to do with it, as well as alcohol. I doubt many of those involved were very sober.
Seems like these days everybody is getting more violent and less tolerant, they start a fight, if somebody just looks at them.In here the melee was apparently sparked by a group of young people drinking and perhaps smoking marijuana,which in turn becomes the root cause.
Perphaps they should all stick to de-legalize marijuana.
Alcohol fueled public brawl. This is just sad. The people who participated should feel ashamed but they probably don't. They probably are bragging to their friends how they got into this huge fight and how awesome it was. These are the types of people who get into this kind of stupidity. If only being stupid were a crime...
So many people disgust me these days. I've almost lost all faith in humanity. First of all why would you steal someone's else's purse? Get a job if your that desperate and second how dare you assault an officer for arresting someone who has clearly committed a crime, even if they haven't you still have no right to assault someone. I have so much respect for police officers and all the hard work they do to protect us so when I hear stories like this is really gets me angry.
To be honest brawls can happen anywhere, especially when alcohol is involved. Revere is a bit hit and miss anyhow as an area and I always heard it was a little rough ( I used to go pats it each day on the bus) but because of the location always was good for events. I imagine it attracted a certain type of crowd too that may have been used to brawling.
Oh, memories. Remember when we had Mother's Day on the beach & got into a fist flying good ole brawl? Me too, two year old baby. Me too.
Such an unfortunate event. People these days tend to get mad and angry easily. Why people are becoming more violent each day? *sigh*
Wow, that’s just awful. Seems like people are just so easily triggered these days. Throw alcohol into the mix and it’s a recipe for a disaster like this. Happy Mother’s Day, indeed.
Wow, this is just strange and downright stupid! I mean did some of these 100-200 people even know what the fight was about?! It's just crazy that a fight that was between two people could escalate into something so big, to the point where they were now turning on the police officers who were trying to bring about order! I agree with Philosophydaddy, these people will probably see the fight as something to brag about to their friends. This is where we are at with today's modern day mentality, sadly :(
I agree with you all. @Gabe yes, it's probably one of the rougher beaches/areas, and does attract a certain crowd, but there were families there, trying to have a nice celebration with their Moms. There's a certain mentality also of going to another person or group's 'turf' and starting something, an invasion of sorts, as if there's anything to be gained from acting like idiots.

It's unfortunate when people are bored, have time on their hands, and are looking to cause trouble. I wish more felt the need to be productive citizens, imagine how much better this world could be if that were the case @lushlala.

I actually hadn't even considered alcohol @DancingLady, because I think it used to be prohibited there (not that that would stop this sort), although that may have changed, but no doubt you're right about that.

@PhilosophyDaddy, Yes, no doubt they have been bragging about it to their friends, as well as on social media. Such a sad statement of today's young, and oftentimes, unfortunately, those who raised them.

I certainly had my years of drinking (most often responsibly) when I was younger, but I can't imagine acting like this, not only because I was raised better, but also because I'd have had to face the wrath of my parents. It seems many these days don't have any consequences for their bad behavior.
Alcohol bans don’t stop certain people, that’s for sure. Drinking is prohibited at most beaches here, but I’ve seen it plenty of times and done it myself. Not that my friends and I ever acted like that. We were more mellow and I think we knew there’d be consequences if we did act out. I can’t imagine doing it these days, because people seem so entitled to act however they wish with no regard for what may happen as a result. Wouldn’t even matter if we weren’t looking for trouble, it just seems like there’s always someone who is.
Yes, exactly, @IshieVonDyson, they have never been told no, and have never received negative consequences. Pair that with the youthful feeling of invincibility, and it's doubly dangerous. They are short sighted as well, and don't stop and think about what their futures will look like, if they end up with criminal records, although, it appears they will have plenty of company.