Bonus pay for physical fitness?

I know I'm going to stir a lot of emotions with this topic but here it goes... Do you think law enforcement employees should receive bonus pay or incentives for maintaining a reasonable physical fitness level? Now I don't mean being able to run a marathon or leap tall building with a pole vault, but I do mean being healthy to a point where he or she can keep up realistically with the physical aspects of their jobs.
I've always maintained a resounding 'yes' to that question. As well as concerning firefighters. I also like the idea of a doctor being paid more if their patients meet certain health requirements. As well as a patient being charged less if they meet those requirements. It's better for the community as a whole.
I don't think people should be paid bonuses for a job they should be qualified for. It maybe the US culture of pay being made up bonuses, but in most countries bonuses are only paid for something exceptional. Some jobs like retail have to be made up of bonuses due to the low wages, but ones with good benefits and salaries should not be paid as standard.
Shouldn't that already be a prerequisite anyway because of the nature of their job? I definitely agree that they need to be fit and in shape, but I'm not for them being rewarded for it as such. I think they ought to be fit on recruitment and it has to be something they also maintain throughout their careers to ensure they're in good shape and able to chase down criminals and keep up with them.
I think this could be a great incentive for them to become much more motivated. I really don't know how they can do a good job if they are not physically fit. As far as I know, they have to pass strenuous fitness tests in order to qualify, this fitness should be maintained if they want to keep their job. If we could get physical fitness back we will have a better functioning police force, especially in my country!