Becoming a murderer without killing anyone?

Very controversial, indeed. I also don't know what to say about this case. Obviously and literally, they did not kill anybody, but somehow, it was their fault why one of their friends died, so basically, they should be responsible/accountable for their actions. Well, I guess sometimes, law is unfair.
I studied this case and it is controversial but it varies from state to state. In this case as they were juveniles I do think they the law was harsh, but it was a result of a premeditated crime. On further examination, they watched their friend die as they hid in the closet and did not help him. That will also haunt them.

They have not been tried on burglary charges, so if these sentences were overturned, they would face another case and fresh set of charges as well. Either way, if the sentences get reduced, that may set a better precedent, but they may get another prosecution as a result of it.
Wow, that's crazy; up to 55 years in jail for a murder charge that didn't really happen! -and they didn't even pull the trigger? I can sort of see the reasoning behind it, had they not burgled that house, their friend would still be alive. He died as a result of them all breaking and entering with the intention of stealing from that house. I do wonder if 55 years is a little harsh. But I like that American law is very tough on crime, and they mete the harshest sentences without batting an eye. If anything, this will certainly serve as a deterrent to many. This sort of sentence for the same sort of crime is unheard of in the UK. Not even a straight forward murder sentence would get you 55 years in jail!
They should definitely be punished to some extent, but they did not kill him and even if they were responsible, didn't mean to kill him.. choosing to take a life and accidentally or indirectly taking a life are VERY different things. On top of that.. the person who killed the boy should be punished. Being a stupid kid does not deserve death and that person chose to take his life. He is the real murderer here.. he likely bought a gun intending to kill intruders. But I'm probably crazy for respecting life more than that lol..
I don't agree at all that the homeowner should have been punished. People in most parts of the U.S. reserve the right to protect their homes and families. These days, you don't know what a criminal is going to do to you after breaking into your home. I respect all life, but I applaud the man for being prepared to defend himself. That's what firearms are for, defense.
As to the young criminals involved, it seems to me that a charge of manslaughter would fit the crime.
I don't agree with this law no matter what state enforces it. I remember the Rodney King case where they almost beat him to death. And the jury wouldn't even convict the people who did it. Although the whole world saw the video. Yet It's okay to punish people who done nothing. Police or not, private citizen or not, the law should punish all perpetrators and not the one's who haven't committed the crime.
I don't agree with this law no matter what state enforces it. I remember the Rodney King case where they almost beat him to death. And the jury wouldn't even convict the people who did it. Although the whole world saw the video. Yet It's okay to punish people who done nothing. Police or not, private citizen or not, the law should punish all perpetrators and not the one's who haven't committed the crime.

Yes, it does seem like there is one law for some people and another one for the rest of us. I don't agree with the charges either - they should certainly have received the maximum sentence allowerd for housebreaking but to hold them responsible for the resulting death is unfair. I don't blame the man who pulled the trigger either though - he was within his rights to defend his property.
This is freaking ridiculous. They should be charged with robbery, not murder -- precisely because they did not commit any murder, not of any kind. The homeowner did commit murder under self-defence. To jail people with crimes they have not to do with is a farce. It is not their responsibility nor their fault -- they were not forced into burglary. I think in some court case, murder as an "externality" could be invoked (as in, you break into a house, fuck something up, and one of the inhabitant dies because of your fuck up). But this? Come on. The justice system sucks, the penal system sucks, and having harsh punitions for crimes in America has not proved effective compared to other nations anyway.
I'm pretty sure just aiming a gun at the kids would have scared them off on it's own.. killing isn't always necessary. People have zero respect for life if someone so much as steps on their toes. They deserved punishment.. not death, unless they did ignore that gun and went at him; then I could understand a snap decision to pull the trigger. I would have just wounded in that case, but hey, I'm a nutbar like that. I didn't say he shouldn't protect his home.. but that means different things to different people apparently.