At what age would you consider someone to be old?


Active Member
When i asked my mother what her age was for the first time ever, she told me she was 40 so from then on, i've always unconsciously/unintentionally considered 40 to be old because the person would be old enough to be my mother, get it? But i think maybe 60 is old.
I'd consider someone to be old at around 80+ years. The youngest age that I'd consider someone to be old is 50, but I wouldn't take them as seriously old.
I beg to differ,even an 80 yr old is considered young if his actions are similar to a 20 yr old."Youthful persons needn't be always 20 yr olds.In here,in my state,people still consider Dr APJ as a "youth"..
By physical appearance a person maybe called old if he is 70 or higher.
I beg to differ,even an 80 yr old is considered young if his actions are similar to a 20 yr old."Youthful persons needn't be always 20 yr olds.In here,in my state,people still consider Dr APJ as a "youth"..
By physical appearance a person maybe called old if he is 70 or higher.

Hard to refute your claim, because it makes sense. Looks can be deceiving, and it's not fair to judge a person's age by what you see. That's a great observation you have there.
I guess it depends on how you view it. I believe that 60-80 in that range is pretty old. However an old person could move and fight like a young person assuming this old person is in good health. I don't know what I would do when I become old though.
Depends on the person. Their mental fortitude, energy level, where they are at healthwise. Age is just a number. I see 65 year olds more healthy and athletic than some 50 year olds.
Hard to refute your claim, because it makes sense. Looks can be deceiving, and it's not fair to judge a person's age by what you see. That's a great observation you have there.
Thanks a lot mate..:D :D
If you have ever heard of "Indian ladies and their make up"..i could tell volumes abt it..
They apply so much that even grannies look young.
I can't find a relevant image to prove it..:P
Thanks a lot mate..:D :D
If you have ever heard of "Indian ladies and their make up"..i could tell volumes abt it..
They apply so much that even grannies look young.
I can't find a relevant image to prove it..:P

You're welcome lad, and no I haven't heard anything of the sort. I'm surprised that kind of make up hasn't hit world markets. A lot of rather mature ladies would probably love to get their hands on that kind of thing. I hope you do find something though, I'd love to see it. That appliance of make up sounds absolutely remarkable.
I don't really think about anyone being old or not, I guess I'd say around 60 I start to see them as "old" but I don't think any different of them because of it.
Well, I wouldn't normally call anyone under the age of 40 old, but then again there have been people that were uncharacteristic to the point where I thought they were several years older than they actually were. I suppose it has largely to do with physical appearance, mental ability and how they act.
You are only as old as you feel. So in regards to your question, OP, I wouldn't begin to consider someone "old" until they acted that way. I know a 75 year old man who has the heart of a child. He is positive and compassionate and full of life and energy. I have never described him to anyone as "an old man". He has far more energy and youth to him than a lot of 35 year old people that I know. Of course we all age and ultimately die. But I think that a lot of people get to a certain age and adopt a defeated attitude because society says that you have to be a certain age to behave a certain way. I am in my 30's, but I still have just as much energy and fun as I did when I was a teenager.
Someone in there 80's is old to me. You can live a pretty good life up until you get in that age bracket. It kinda goes down hill from there I imagine. I remember my grandad was pretty spry up until he hit 80 and then he just slowly declined.
When i asked my mother what her age was for the first time ever, she told me she was 40 so from then on, i've always unconsciously/unintentionally considered 40 to be old because the person would be old enough to be my mother, get it? But i think maybe 60 is old.

I am in my early 30s and I have to admit that there are times when I feel that 30 is old. So my answer would be, "It depends on the person."

Largely, it depends on the attitude and self-perception of the person. If you act like you're 50 at the age of 20, then people would call you "mature". If you act like a child at the age of 90, well some would still say that it's "normal" and some would say that you're reaching your second childhood. So it doesn't really matter.

To me, the important thing is we're healthy, have a good attitude and outlook in life and most of all we keep ourselves physically and mentally fit.
When I was twenty, I thought someone in their thirties was very old. I remember when I turned thirty; my niece who was 22 at the moment told me that I was gorgeous even though I was old. I am now going to turn forty and I cannot believe where the time has gone. I think that an old person is past seventy years old. My parents are in their sixties yet I do not find them that old.
You're only as old as you feel.
Age is just a number.

2 classic sayings there and they are true. Keep yourself in good shape and you will age slower.
I consider 18+ old. By then you have lived your whole childhood which is most of your life. If you make it to 18 then you are lucky. A lot of young people die at such young ages.