Are your travel plans being affected by Ebola?


Well-Known Member
Pretty much any possibilities can arise when you go traveling to another country outside the one you reside in. Given the situation of Ebola spreading, have you decided that you're going to play it safe and put traveling completely on hold? Or have your travel plans remained unaffected?

Personally I think I will continue travelling, but simply not to Africa or other heavily infected regions. One or two isolated cases shouldn't be too much of a worry.
Unfortunately I have no travel plans, but I will take Ebola into consideration sure, no way I want to go into a danger zone.
My travel plans were never made due to lack of funds :( I changed jobs this year for various reasons and as a result had to take a pay cut that means I currently have just enough to get by for now. I know I made the right decision because it is better to have a lower paying job than end up with no job at all during the slow season if my former place of employment goes out of business soon, but for right now it means I do not have enough money to be able to take any days off work to travel or pay for the bus ticket to get there.
My plans to accept a job that had 2 weeks of training in that part of Texas were canceled (by me) because it was not worth the risk. I know that probably sounds reactionary, but I was in Reston, VA when that Ebola-Zaire outbreak happened, and although it was minimal, I remember being terrified seeing military vehicles and chem suits.