Are police shows like "Cops" authentic?


Well-Known Member
The show obviously is popular, as it has been on the air for over twenty years. Popularity doesn't always equate to reality. As must of us know (or should know), most reality shows are not as real as they want you to believe. Part of the show is scripted. An example is that people are not coming off the street to a pawn shop on "Pawn Stars" trying to sell a $100,000 car. In the case of "Cops", is it 100% legit, or is some of it made up?
This is an interesting question. I don't think cops are like the cops on the show. Some of that is most likely made up for television. There may be parts that are real, but they probably act that way just for television.
We all know that television is all about ratings. If you work in television production and you want to keep your job, you make sure to keep your program interesting. Which is where the fantasy comes in. The juicy fake stuff meant to jazz the production up to keep audiences coming back for more.
I think that the show of COPS is entertaining in some senses but I think some things are scripted here and there. I wonder if some of the cops who catch the suspects on that show are going by a script when they are catching these guys and gals. I just have not been watching COPS for a year. I think that the show has been around for quite a long time so it is not surprising that some people would suspect it is scripted. Then again you got way more police shows that are around like "Flashpoint", and "Rookie Blue" then again those are fictional. "COPS" has been a small time favorite of mine but I think that there are other ways to depict cops on tv. People just prefer whatever entertains them lol.
I know that some shows are very scripted, because they would be too boring otherwise. Who would watch "Pawn Stars" if they videotaped the real customers coming in with an original Nintendo they thought they could get $100 for, but settled for $25? "Hardcore Pawn" obviously escalates the fights for shock value. But "Cops" seems more real. Does anyone know if the perps in the show are all real? I have never heard that they were actors. I do feel like the police at the end will "high-five" themselves so to speak, in an exaggerated sense. They are congratulating each other like they saved the President, when it was a guy on a bike with a dime-sack.
I think that those shows were "real" at one point, but for the most part they are/must be overly scripted at this point like a of "reality television" these days. I don't think that any cop in there right mind would walk around putting a camera crew in danger the way that it is depicted on cops. I'm sure the production company signs a waiver, but still.
Yes, the show Cops is real. You can read more about it here. I am sure that the Cops staff have to sign many waivers and that the officers they ride with do everything they can to protect them.
The media is well known for bending the truth They will do anything for ratings it seems. Even twist the truth on the news, so I'm sure a show doesn't last that long without a good reason.
I do not think it is real and I believe it is quite about fantwsy. I think it can be quite sad if people feel that such things happen truly. Maybe one in a million cases do happen but not more than that.
I believe the cases are real however legally the show has to be scripted like so many others to avoid lawsuits. Whenever you have cameramen following and filming a show, its going to mean some segments are likely deleted to ensure the show is within the guidelines.
I believe them to be fake, scripted ahead of time, or in total violation of the peoples rights they are going after. That being said, some of the people they grab NEED to be arrested, they're asking for it. Rather if this is a part of the show or not I'm not entirely certain. I know they'll bend it to market more so it can't entirely be truthful 100%, but I know it's mostly real, and the people ride along with them filming it are almost as crazy as they are. Good shows though.
Police reality shows remove all the boring drugery that cops have to do, and then show just the exciting parts. Filming a cop doing tons of paperwork just does not make good TV. Most of a cops job is pretty boring waiting around for something to happen. Or they are mainly routiine complains.
What about the Cops cameraman who was shot? I'm really not sure about how much is authentic. I would hope they're just videotaping cops doing random stops through a day & eventually come upon someone who runs or a house visit that's a domestic. Those seem to be their bread & butter.
I've seen some shows where they seem authentic and the suspects faces are blacked out. Obviously a lot is edited out, but often they show things when they stop people for speeding and shoplifting. Anything else would be too dangerous for the camera crews. With all shows there has to be some scripted dialogue, but I do think most shows depict the police how they are, but it depends on the area and whether it's a city or town.
I can't be sure but my guess would be that it is real life. It doesn't seem like normal reality TV that you can tell is scripted or at least planned. It looks to me like real life cops in real life crime cases.
To be honest I try to avoid watching shows like "Cops". People have this habit of assuming they know what's going on just because they saw it on TV. So many people have gotten in so much trouble or worse - end up hurt because of these so called "reality shows".
Exactly, Ringo. Plus they just want an excuse to track these people down on film so the people can see what they have to deal with and they can sympathize or feel like part of the arrest (vicarious living junkies) who adore Reality TV and stuff like that. There has to be a fair amount of acting and/or doctoring before they are released because these Cop shows aren't shown LIVE. It's all recordings.
Well, I have been on a ride along before in a major city and was bored to tears most of the trip. Most of the time, they do not get the hilarious and plot twisting calls that are featured on the shows. My guess is that the camera men have to ride along for several days to get enough footage for one episode.
That is the same perspective that I have, it is not like reality, I do believe they do make it suitable for entertainment, so that people can keep watching.
I really don't think that Cops is real. Most of the show looks scripted and some of the cops just don't look professional. It is entertaining though and I still watch it, but I watch it and take it with a grain of salt.