Are female cops treated with the same respect?


Well-Known Member
I would like to become I detective someday, but everyone in my family advises against it since I am a woman. They say that female cops are often not taken seriously and disrespected by both their fellow policemen and by civilians. Is this true?
I hope so because that would be discrimination if they don't treat them the same respect. Although it is common that male cops are more treated with authority and they are more feared. They appear stronger than women so that's why.
I think it depends on how she carries her self. People in authority aren't usually given repsect just because they are wearing a uniform. Its your behavior and the standard that you present.
When I was a teenager, two women police officers joined the force at the same time. I think it was the first time women had ever joined the force, of only 15 officers. The jokes never seemed to end from the civilians. I imagine it was rough on them within the force as well. One of the women didn't last very long, but the other is still there, and second in command today.
Women are treated with respect but sometimes when you tend to be a little attractive,you might get more than RESPECT.:P As long as the female cops stay in line and respect their fellas,they surely shall deserve respect.
I know a couple of police women and they are more scary than their men counterparts, they do not take any heat from anyone. In order to get respect you kind of have to earn it, even as an officer. There are a lot of punks out there that have no respect for police officers whether they are male or female.
I would think that female police officers are treated equally. I don't think that gender is something that should come into question. A cops should always get the same respect, weather it's male or female. I think if you asking if they are respected in terms of getting hit on or things like that, then I would say that all cops (male or female) can fall victim to that kind of disrespect (if it is not wanted).
I suspect in some cases that is true on the street. Being a detective is a different kind of police work, and a woman would be equally successful as a man because physical strength would not be an issue. I think you should pursue your goal if you want to be a detective.
Well discrimination is an unfortunate thing, but it does happen, but that goes for any job that is male dominated. Female cops are needed for sure, and if for no other reason, there are female criminals out there as well. If you do your job well you should earn the respect you deserve.
I know some female cops who are rather formidable. They've earned their reputation and anytime someone sees them, they won't view them just as another woman in uniform. They see a police officer. Authority. While most people may not respect female police officers because of gender stereotypes, you, like the woman I reference can earn your respect with a "no-nonsense" attitude.
I think that respect is earned either if you are a man or a woman. It might be harder for women sure, but they can achieve it if they work well.