Are cops hard on their kids?


Well-Known Member
My father was in the military. As a result, he believed in order and discipline. I never remember our home being in disarray or a lot of chaos going on between myself and siblings. However, this is in general the military way of life.

I had my share of fun growing up. However, I understood there were rules in my household. Our grades and conduct were supposed to be good.

Is this also true about cops and their families?
Actually,they will be,but if they wish to play twin character roles,then they needn't be stringent on their kids.It will be tough to play a caring father and a strict cop at the same time.He can either strict in both or fun loving in both.
I really feel they need to choose the latter.
I guess it depends. They see kids commiting crimes everyday and they don't want their own ending up like that so they do what they think is right to prevent that.
I think cops are. My uncle was a cop and he was always really tough. He'd never comfort you when crying. Also, I have heard complaints about friends whose parents is a cop and how they are really strict on them. I guess it is the training they go through.
I imagine some can be from the crap they see everyday. They see the worst that people can do. I would think if they were hard on their own kids it would be more out of love and wanting them to be safe and protected.
It varies from family to family. Although that could mean that the father or mother whoever is the police officer could be hard on his or her kids. I think some of them are easy on their children to where they connect very well and others are not.
It varies from family to family. Although that could mean that the father or mother whoever is the police officer could be hard on his or her kids. I think some of them are easy on their children to where they connect very well and others are not.
So yeah..either way,one of the parents must be kind on their kids to make sure the kid grows in to a good human being.
If the cop tends to be too hard on them,then the kid will grow in to a "moody" and harsh personality. i realize why they don't want both mother and dad to be cops.
It indeed varies from parent to parent. Some parents are stricter than some cops and they've never gone through a military career. It's probably more of a stereotype too.
I think it is a stereotype in general. But it's awesome that a lot of the skills the police learn can be used in daily life to improve others.
I'm sure responsible police officers have so much to offer in the way of advice.
My cousin is married to a cop. He is a guy all about fun and enjoying life. His kids love him. He makes sure they know what is right and wrong for sure.
My dad was a correctional officer and he basically spoiled me to a point. My mom was nothing to do with LE and if I even rolled my eyes at her, I got paddled or switched. I think it depends on the parent, how much control they decide to have over you and what life they require you to live.
My dad was a correctional officer and he basically spoiled me to a point. My mom was nothing to do with LE and if I even rolled my eyes at her, I got paddled or switched. I think it depends on the parent, how much control they decide to have over you and what life they require you to live.
I never had any parents in LE so I am not in that light. I did what I had to do at school except 8th grade I got in trouble for having bad grades.
My father was in the military. As a result, he believed in order and discipline. I never remember our home being in disarray or a lot of chaos going on between myself and siblings. However, this is in general the military way of life.

I had my share of fun growing up. However, I understood there were rules in my household. Our grades and conduct were supposed to be good.

Is this also true about cops and their families?
Thank God for a disciplined father. It was good that you had him. Not all cops or military personnel have this discipline and ability to control their homes however. As a matter of fact, some cops, because of the ability to conduct their homes with rules, turn to using their guns against their loved ones. It's sad.
I guess it depends on the person too because my brother isn't like that with his kids. He likes to have fun and lets them have fun. My friend also spoils her kids and lets them have fun too. None of them act wild or anything, but they aren't limited to what they are allowed to do.
I don't think they're unreasonably hard on their kids, however there is a chance that because of the things that they've seen whilst doing their job, they may have a greater understanding of what could happen if their kids took the wrong path in their lives. Because of this, they could be a little stricter, but they know that they're doing it for their own good rather than because they're trying to instil some kind of immoral level of discipline into young children. I think it's for the best, they're trained in discipline, so they are some of the best people for the job!
I guess it depends on the individual, as well as the kid. Everyone has their own set of morals and values, and ideas for how a child should be raised. I don't think there's anything hard about having strict rules, it doesn't just teach children to not act out but also to obey authority and why.
I had a cousin who's step father was a cop. My cousin was the biggest pot heat you ever met. He use to do all kinds of illegal activities in our home town and all of the other cops would turn a blind eye when he got caught doing something illegal.

I wish his dad was strict on him.
I think it depends pretty much on the person, but I think it's not easy to see crime all day and get home with patience and affection to a kid.
I know 2 cops with families. One is the best father I know and his parenting is just the right mixture of incentive and authority. The kids are my friends and they are open, honest and loving as well as freethinking and independent. Really a great father. I don't know the other one personally, but I've heard a lot about him as he is the father of a friend's ex. he did his best to be intimidating to his potential son-in-law and behaved as a pain in the neck most of the time, only to make his daughter give up on the poor guy. I don't know if this is actually considered being hard on your children, but for me, it seems to be so!
I think it really depends on the cop and on the family, because I've had a couple of different friends who had fathers who were cops and they treated their kids differently.
My brother's best friend's dad was a cop, and he was really strict and tough on his kids when I was in high school at least. His daughter was my age and she rebelled a lot, getting into fights, drinking and doing drugs at a really young age, dating guys who were in and out of jail or guys who were a lot older than her, stuff like that. She even got kicked out of public school for a big fight and they had to pay for her to go to Private School!
Then there's my friend from high school who's dad was a cop, and he really wasn't that hard on his five kids!