An inside job on a weekend robbery?


Well-Known Member
In the UK, a gang of thieves planned a robbery over the Easter weekend and stole items from over 70 safety deposit boxes. Not too much information was given, but that they broke in disguised as workmen on Thursday 2 April and carried on robbing the boxes over the weekend, leaving and then returning. The police did not know until Tuesday 7 April of the incident.

The worst thing was an alarm was raised at Scotland Yard but it was decided it didn't need investigating. The Hatton Garden area is the jewelry district of London and has a number of high profile stores that deal in diamonds and jewels. The question is why didn't the police respond to the alarm unless it was an inside job?

Hatton Garden raid: CCTV images of 'audacious' raid released - BBC News
I too reckon its somehow an inside job,because without an inside hand this really doesn't look easy at first sight.In fact everything points at one too.
The response time
the break in..everything..
Something's not right here! I am inclined to agree with you, all evidence points to it having been an inside job, and a big one at that. It's baffling that although the alarm was raised with Scotland Yard, they simply felt it wasn't worth investigating! The timeline is also very suspect, from Thursday through to Tuesday! These guys were taking their time, they had no sense of urgency as someone was keeping watch and looking out for them!
This story has been all over the news f or the past few days and it seems incredulous th think that the police thought the initial alarm wasn't worth bothering with. after giving it some thought, it could very well be an inside job.

The robbers seemed to know that they didn't need to rush and I can't believe that they felt able to spread it out over a few days. They must have known something, or have been working for someone who did. I'm sure it will all come out in the wash eventually though.
Wow, these guys really had it made. It was like going away for the weekend and coming back with a huge bonus. The fact that the police did not respond does seem suspicious, but there may be another side to the story, unless they are directly implicated.
This comes across as if the robbers were totally at home, in no rush whatsoever. They were there to collect, not to steal and I'm of the strong opinion that they had some help from the inside; someone with whom they are no doubt going to share the pie. It would be very interesting to see how the police justify not responding to the initial alarm, especially given the area where the theft took place!
I guess they are trying to look through CCTV of cameras in the area to see what direction they came from and whether they were there before the incident casing the area. They must have known and planned this for a while so they maybe looking into employees and ex-employees, but it looks bad for the police force. Maybe they will make a movie out of this, because it is like a plot from one.
Here's hoping they don't have to split it with too many offic...criminals that committed this crime. Yea, criminals...Anywho, super interesting how it 'didn't need investigating. You know those crimes that just don't need investigating. Too many of those.
I guess they are trying to look through CCTV of cameras in the area to see what direction they came from and whether they were there before the incident casing the area. They must have known and planned this for a while so they maybe looking into employees and ex-employees, but it looks bad for the police force. Maybe they will make a movie out of this, because it is like a plot from one.
Looks like a planned robbery and i reckon an external hand too is obviously involved.Hoping they get a clue on it because this
Were the police on duty somehow "in" on the robbery? It wouldn't surprise me especially if their share [of the stolen stuff] would be large enough for them to lose all benefits their jobs would have accorded them should they get fired. It will be hard to prove that they were involved though.