2 Dead In Florida Mall Shooting.


Well-Known Member
These shootings are getting to more and more common. Maybe what they need are a few policemen around malls because you never never can tell what will happen. The man apparently wanted to murder his wife who worked in the mall, but a co-worker stepped in to stop but got shot in the process.
A male co-worker of Rodriguez's wife, Ida Gacia, 33, bravely jumped in and tried to stop him, but was shot dead in the struggle.

Rodriguez then killed himself.
While it is not clear what motivated Rodriguez or if he intended to shoot more people, police are confident his wife was the target.
Unfortunate that someone had to die for no reason.
The poor economy might be causing more of these things to happen. Until the economy picks up, maybe having more police around malls might be a good idea. Also people should be on the lookout for suspicious type characters and report then as soon as possible.

Very tragic.
It is so unfortunate that this man died trying to save the life of another. Placing a few policemen around a mall may actually not be the answer because thugs know how to disguise self. I think that every entrance in a mall should have a very strong metal detector to scan those who bring in guns. I do not believe that this man died for nothing; maybe there is a very important reason why the life of this woman was saved.