18 Years since Jon Benet

Rhoda D'Ettore

Well-Known Member
This Christmas will mark the 18 year anniversary of Jon Benet Ramsey's horrible murder. The family suffered extreme scrutiny over the years, the mother died under the microscope, and there are still nothing but questions. It was recently released the Ramseys were indicted by a grand jury, but the DA chose not to go forward.

Several years ago, a man claimed to have committed the crime, but he was ruled out. The family members have since been ruled out by DNA under her nails.

There are so many weird things about this case, I admit, I too thought Patsy. I really believed Patsy did it accidentally, however, it is so difficult to imagine a mother strangling her child with a garrote.

What are your thoughts?
Wow - 18 years already? it was such a horrific crime as well. It's such a shame that there's still no proper clarity as to who killed her and why. I just hope that more recent scientific advances will have an impact in helping to unveil the truth.
I did not think the parents did it, but I wonder how the person who did got in to do it. It has been so long that I don't really remember the details very much. My guess is it was someone who knew the family at least a little, but perhaps not well enough for them to have ever thought of that person possibly doing it.
Man, I can't believe it has been so long. I was a child when it happened, but I remember being so interested in the case. I always thought it was family or a close friend of the family. Like a previous poster said, I wondered how they got into the house.

Hopefully, the family will be able to get answers one day.
I still think someone outside of the family killed Jon Benet. I think it was someone who probably stalked the child's movement and carefully planed their attack. This is one of those crimes that have not been solved even with the modern day forensics available.
Wow, I can't believe it's been almost 18 years since her death. I always thought a family member did it. It is sad that a true killer has not been identified. I cannot even imagine the scrutiny this family went through during the past 18 years. The mother was accused of the death and later died under investigation for murdering her child. I can't even imagine the pain she must have felt. Hopefully, one day the authorities will find who murdered this little girl.
18 years now? Holy cow, time flies. I don't remember the details anymore, but how frustrating it's still unsolved and that justice will never serve that poor child.
Jon Benet was very much in the pageant circuit and it could be very well that someone was jealous of her success or the fact that she would eventually rise to fame. I do not remember exactly how Mom Patsy died, but it seems as though the family lived under a black cloud. I do not think we will ever have an answer as to what exactly happened.
Honestly, I don't know much details about Jon Benet's murder as I think I was between 3-4 years old when this crime happened. Anyway, it has been 18 years already, and it's kind of frustrating that this case has not been solved yet. I hope justice would prevail soon.
I remember this when it happened and it shocked the world. I never thought the parents or family were involved because they adored her and her success. I do think it had something to do with her pageant work because that world is full of jealousies and irrational behaving people. I think it would have been someone she knew and that knew them, not well, but well enough. It's sad that it's still a cold case and the police were pressured to find answers, but sometimes there are none to be found. The guilty will pay one day, but it's sad the mother died never knowing what really happened.