
  1. Rainman


    Police officers justify the use of excessive force by saying that they have to defend themselves. I must note in passing though, that in some cases when their life is on the line a police officer should shoot an armed suspect. But aren't cops trained to be good marksmen? Wouldn't a bullet to the...
  2. KrustyKrabella

    Do you resent civilians approaching you to ask questions?

    My family and I were at a small village fair not too long ago, and there was a large police presence there to just keep an eye out for any developing problems. There were about 15 police officers, and as there wasn't much for them to do, they would congregate in small groups with each other and...
  3. True2marie

    What kind of illnesses automatically disqualify a person from becoming a cop?

    I have always heard being flat footed prevents disqualifies males and females from joining the military. Is this also true of police officers? Or, can a person who enjoys law and order still work in a police department with certain illnesses, but in lesser positions?
  4. Dunkel

    What should I do?

    I've finished my BS in CS from UCLA. I've been looking for work for a couple of months. I would really enjoy working in a job that's affiliated with the police. I have a lot of student debt. So should I join the Army/Air Force or try to get in the Police Academy? If I went the military route...
  5. True2marie

    A Warmer Shade of Blue, A Book About the Good Things Cops Do

    For anyone who feels they hate cops or don't understand how much they serve the public, you should check out the facebook page A Warmer Shade of Blue, A Book about the Good Things Cops Do. Based on this read, there are stories and pictures about exemplary acts committed by police officers. To...
  6. True2marie

    Are police officers allowed to get second jobs?

    These days, making ends meet isn't always easy. I don't know what police officers make, but I imagine at times they might want to bring in more income. If so, are they allowed to take a second job as long as it doesn't interfere with their work.
  7. davidj96

    Faster police vehicles?

    Would you guys prefer faster vehicles, faster than just a Dodge Charger? I was on my home today and watched a motorcycle rider take off from a police officer and the officer didn't even bother chasing him. I guess his cruiser wouldn't have been able to keep up or it just wasn't worth the risk...
  8. davidj96

    Does Military service help you get into the academy?

    I've always wondered if having military service would help you gain a spot in the police academy. I'll be leaving for Marine corps recruit training next June and my MOS will be 0311, Infantry.I'd like to stay in for at least two active duty listings, and then possibly try to become a police...
  9. True2marie

    Do cops have support groups?

    Let's face facts. Dealing with the public is hard. It's hard to please people you encounter at their worst hour. So, I am wondering if police officers have support groups they can go to for emotional help. Currently, I work in a call center for a state insurance plan. Our members call up...
  10. True2marie

    Who services police cars?

    Do police stations own their own repair shops or hire out for vehicle maintenance? I have never seen a police car out of commission. Yet, I do imagine this occurs from time to time. Fancy British Police Car
  11. askanison

    Man pulled over in routine traffic stop forced in enemas and more

    Juan De Silva was pulled over by Berwyn police January 13 after failing to make a complete stop at a stop sign outside a McDonalds parking lot off Cermak road. After ordering De Silva out of his vehicle, police began insisting that De Silva was clenching his buttocks, claiming the action was...
  12. taki

    Your Thoughts On Non-lethal Weapons

    Considering what has happened in the past couple of weeks I'm rethinking some ideas I've had for a long time. I have long believed that cops are to well insulated from taking responsibility for their actions and in the interest of them making it home at night a lot of unruly people are not...
  13. True2marie

    Do police officers surf the net at work?

    I was surprised to read an article on how much Internet porn is looked at on the job. To me, work is the most unsexy place in the world. And, when I surf the net, it's usually shopping sites, CNN and forums. Otherwise, I just talk to a neighbor when I feel more like playing than working. Do...
  14. dannybuntu

    Why do you think people disrespect police officers?

    I mean think about it, police officers protect us from the bad guys and enforce the law so that we would all be living (or trying to) live our ideal lives in whatever political system that we have. Although ideally, democracy isn't a perfect system, I think it comes close to the ideal state...
  15. dannybuntu

    Do You Think Gun Cams Should Be Mandated?

    First of all, I'm not a police officer but I do understand that there's a certain element where law enforcement becomes a matter of "he says" and "she says". This becomes more pronounced today as we have seen in the Ferguson issue. In such a scenario, a gun cam would not only serve evidence...
  16. JoanMcWench

    Who here IS a police officer?

    I was wondering who, in this forum, is a police officer? Would you be willing to disclose where? It does not have to be specific. I suppose what I am looking for is whether it is a big city or small town. Mostly because I am curious about the difference in trying to uphold the law in both. Has...
  17. True2marie

    How many breaks do police officers get during a work shift?

    According to labor and industry laws, workers are supposed to get two breaks and a lunch during an eight hour shift. Do police officers abide by this policy? I ask because I rarely see officers in uniform at a deli or McDonald's. Then, when I do, they get back into their car and continue...
  18. Dunkel

    What's the typical Every Day Carry for a Police Officer?

    What's the usual items you take with you every day? What are those items that you just can't leave your home without?
  19. Anthony

    Police Officer Gets Pranked With Post-Its On Car

    Kansas City Police detective was a bit surprised when colleagues covered his Ford Taurus with 4,000 Post-it notes as a prank to celebrate his 50th birthday. http://youtu.be/PJ8E23UI7wg
  20. Dunkel

    Can I get arrested if I ask a cop "Do you want some pot?"

    I know that it seems like a really stupid question. I was watching this prank video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBKfICSIgR0 around 2:47, the pranker goes and ask a police officer if they want pot and after a while he shows them a cooking pot. The Police officer tells him to "go away as...