
  1. davidj96

    Faster police vehicles?

    Would you guys prefer faster vehicles, faster than just a Dodge Charger? I was on my home today and watched a motorcycle rider take off from a police officer and the officer didn't even bother chasing him. I guess his cruiser wouldn't have been able to keep up or it just wasn't worth the risk...
  2. headmaster

    What is the upper age limit for hiring a law enforcement officer?

    If one is around 40 years of age is there any chance for them working in law enforcement?
  3. dannybuntu

    Do You Think Gun Cams Should Be Mandated?

    First of all, I'm not a police officer but I do understand that there's a certain element where law enforcement becomes a matter of "he says" and "she says". This becomes more pronounced today as we have seen in the Ferguson issue. In such a scenario, a gun cam would not only serve evidence...
  4. bala

    Man offers weed to cop and makes it disappear..BLACK MAGIC..!!

    Magician Calen Morelli dupes policeman into thinking he sells cannabis | Metro News For those of you who think magic ain't real, this story should make you question your beliefs. It's not sleight of hand thing . . it's the real dark stuff. So how about this epic troll..?? Watch the video in...
  5. JoanMcWench

    Who here IS a police officer?

    I was wondering who, in this forum, is a police officer? Would you be willing to disclose where? It does not have to be specific. I suppose what I am looking for is whether it is a big city or small town. Mostly because I am curious about the difference in trying to uphold the law in both. Has...
  6. Dunkel

    What's the typical Every Day Carry for a Police Officer?

    What's the usual items you take with you every day? What are those items that you just can't leave your home without?
  7. Anthony

    Police Officer Gets Pranked With Post-Its On Car

    Kansas City Police detective was a bit surprised when colleagues covered his Ford Taurus with 4,000 Post-it notes as a prank to celebrate his 50th birthday.
  8. Dunkel

    Can I get arrested if I ask a cop "Do you want some pot?"

    I know that it seems like a really stupid question. I was watching this prank video around 2:47, the pranker goes and ask a police officer if they want pot and after a while he shows them a cooking pot. The Police officer tells him to "go away as...
  9. Dunkel

    What's your regular day to day schedule?

    What's a typical schedule like for a police officer?
  10. Vivat

    What kind of attitude do cops find most refreshing/appealing?

    What kind of attitude helps a police officer better deal with the situation, and quicker? Something that lets the police officer feel reassured and more content with helping in the situation, basically. I don't have the slightest clue due to lack of perspective, so, help me out on this.
  11. Vivat

    Fitness standard for being a police officer

    I would like to know how fit you would have to be to consider becoming a police officer, I would also like to know what kind of risks (ones that you only find out about when you become one especially) it is possible to encounter as a police officer, besides the obvious ones, of course. Is there...
  12. JudyCap

    Cops aren't like they used to be.

    HI. My name is Judy, I am from North Idaho. My Dad was a police officer most of his working life. It makes me so mad when someone calls a cop a pig. I have told my son he should be ashamed of himself as you just called your Gramp a pig. He shut his mouth. I never heard him say that again. I can...
  13. R

    Do people constantly harass you?

    Do people constantly harass you on a daily basis? do people view you as a corrupt and bad police officer.
  14. taki

    Officer IQ

    There has been a urban legend rumor going around the nets for years now that police agencies do not hire people with a high IQ to be a police officer. I've always wondered if there was any truth to those rumors.
  15. stollbr

    Regular citizen request a ride along

    Hi. I wanted to know if a person who doesn't want to become an officer still allowed to go on a ride along?
  16. bradleyurt

    Will the assault charge disqualify me?

    I'm 22 and really would like to be an officer. In college right now currently taking criminal justice. When I was 17, a couple of weeks from being 18, I got into a huge fight in school. So now it's on my record. I did spend 8 days in jail because of it. Since then I've been good. I work part...
  17. J

    What is a stop, question and frisk encounter?

    I go to NY a lot. I don't carry anything illegal on me, but just in case I get stopped I wanted to know what is a stop, question and frisk encounter?
  18. J

    military service or a four year degree

    I really want become an officer. I was also planning to enlist in the Army, or should I just go to college? Would a police department want military service or a four year degree?
  19. edhman81

    I would like to become an officer but I'm too short

    I would like to become an officer but I'm too short. Im 16 years old and 5'4. In high school right now and then going to college. I feel that my height will be a problem. I really don't know what I should do. Is there a chance I can become a policeman? Or will my height be an issue?
  20. Anthony

    Dancer who works at strip club charged in deadly crash

    HOUSTON. Dalia Iris Alfaro, 18, works as a dancer at Sin City, a gentleman's club in southwest Houston found herself standing in front of a Harris County Judge Wednesday morning to hear the charges that were filed against her for causing a crash that resulted in a death the day before. About...