law enforcement

  1. N

    I'm thinking about going to a regional academy also

    I'm thinking about going to a regional academy before I go to FLETC in Charleston, SC. If I get the fed job I would be more familiar with the way the police officers of Charleston work and it could improve efficiency in interagency cooperation if I was sent to work in Charleston, SC. It would...
  2. N

    Will the drugs prevent me from getting into law enforcement?

    I have a question about the hiring process in law enforcement. When I was 17, I started using illicit drugs for a couple of years. It was mostly marijuana. I did get treatment for it, and subsequently have not used any drug or alcohol since then. I'm 22, with a bachelors degree and beside the...
  3. S

    Protective Service Police Department

    Hi everyone I just have one question, I wanted to know does Protective Service Police Department officers have law enforcement authority off-duty, meaning is it 24/7?
  4. D

    What is one thing that you dislike about your law enforcement career?

    What is one thing that you dislike about your law enforcement career?
  5. grantcal

    How high is the stress level in the LE field?

    How high is the stress level in the Law Enforcement field? Is it really as high as most say?
  6. C

    My mom is driving me crazy

    Did anybody else have someone in their family that did not want them to be in law enforcement? My mom is driving me crazy, she keeps pestering the heck out me to change my mind about going into LE.
  7. meyerj941

    Does having bad credit history an automatic DQ in obtaining law enforcement job?

    Does having bad credit history an automatic DQ in obtaining law enforcement job?
  8. C

    I need help with an interview

    I need help with an interview. I had a police officer to help me with this essay but he had to cancel on me. I just want to ask some questions regarding ethics in law enforcement. I'm in 2nd year, currently working on my Bachelors degree. I have ten questions and one scenario to discuss. Would...
  9. P

    Why does my credit have such a huge impact

    Why does my credit have such a huge impact in being able to obtain a career in law enforcement as a police officer?
  10. R

    Do you ever regret going in law enforcement?

    Do you ever regret going in law enforcement? Or was is it the right decision?
  11. C

    What should I major in if I want to be a detective

    I would like to get into law enforcement. I will be going to college soon, what should I major in if I want to be a detective later on.
  12. Edreid567

    I failed my background check

    I failed my background check, is there any chance left that I can still get into law enforcement? I have four speeding tickets and when I was 19, I got fired from my job.
  13. R

    Could this disqualify me

    When I was 19, I was out walking around with a few friends and we got caught with pellet guns. My friends and I were arrested and charged with discharging a firearm within city limits. In the last two years I did get two speeding tickets. I have always stayed away from drugs and my credit...
  14. S

    Made a difference

    Do you feel after joining Law Enforcement you have made a difference in your community?
  15. J

    What can I expect

    What can I expect to be the most difficult challenge once I get into Law Enforcement? All feedback would be much appreciated.
  16. halberg

    How does the wife deal with it?

    How does your wife really feel about you being in Law Enforcement?
  17. T

    Pursuing law enforcement as my career

    Hello everyone. I am really thinking about becoming a police officer in the not too distant future and I would really appreciate any advice that can help ease my mind about some issues I have. I am an 18 year old Chinese male and currently on my 3nd year at college. Should I join the army after...
  18. C

    taking steps

    Hello everyone, Im 20 Years old and im very interested in making Law enforcement my career, I'm taking steps to my goal by enlisting in the US ARMY. How long should be in there to help my cause of getting a police job?