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  1. P

    Device that allows police to hear you inside your house

    Thank you for all of the replies. I still have not found any solid information on this device, as in if it's real or if it's in operation. I don't know if this would violate the "right to privacy" laws or not. If you are a wanted person, or suspected of serious legally activity, you cannot keep...
  2. P

    Have you been in a high speed chase?

    If you have been in a high speed chase, what initiated the suspect to flee? How far and hoe fast did you go? Was it in town or on a highway/interstate? What was the outcome? I am interested in an insider's view. We have all seen the chases on the news and shows like "Cops", but you never hear it...
  3. P

    Intimidation, in either direction?

    I was wondering if you use intimidation to get respect/cooperation/submission. This doesn't necessarily mean that you say you are going to crack their head. I mean do you threaten jail or restraint often? Looking at it another way, do people threaten you with "who they know" or taking it to...
  4. P

    What is the hardest part of your shift/job?

    I have seen this kind of behavior on scripted TV, but had no idea it actually happens in real life. I would not take kindly to those threats. What did you feel like? What did you say back? I personally would have said, "I am doing my job, and you broke the law. Talk to whoever you want to". This...
  5. P

    Police Academy training too short?

    From different sources, I have gathered that police academy training is 8-12 weeks. It seems a little short to me, as the officer needs to be a very good driver, handle a weapon well, learn life-saving techniques, as well as how to subdue a person with as little damage to them as possible. I...
  6. P

    Fuzz Buster

    Thank you for all of the replies. Although they might have worked, I really think it was a fad of the 70s, 80s, and early 90s. I figured they might still be available in pawn shops and such places, but wasn't sure they were being produced anymore, since I don't know anyone who has them anymore...
  7. P

    Have there been many officers killed in the line of duty in your town?

    Unfortunately, police are killed on duty so often in the United States, there is a website to report it. My town of 10,000 is 160 years old. In our somewhat long history, only two police officers were ever killed on duty. One was shot and the other was accidentally hit by a car. Both happened...
  8. P

    Have you ever met what you would consider an unethical officer?

    This can mean different things to different people. "Unethical" can be something they did to break the law, neglecting their job duties, or other things. I have heard rumors for years that certain police were doing the drugs they confiscated. I imagine most of that is lies. I have not known seen...
  9. P

    What's your favorite Christmas song?

    I really like the older Disney versions of several Christmas songs. But if I had to pick one song, it would be "Sleigh Ride". It has a nice old-timey sound to it with the music. I like the words too. I can just envision some small village and the people that are enjoying the season.
  10. P

    Video-recording police

    It seems many people think it is against the law, or at the very least they will get yelled at by a police officer if you record them. You can legally record anyone in public, including the police! They might yell at you, or threaten to take your camera, but as long as you are not obstructing...
  11. P

    The F.B.I. does racial profiling, but do local police?

    I will agree that stereotyping would definitely be happening. If a cop experienced at dealing with gangs of African-Americans (just for example) sees a carful of black kids, he's going to think it's gang members. This doesn't necessarily equate to judging or racism. Is he guilty of anything...
  12. P

    Injuries on the job

    Unless the police person works in bad neighborhoods of big cities, I think that a traffic cop or State Patrol would have the most dangerous job. Not only are the people constantly different, and he/she doesn't know what to expect, the traffic itself is a constant danger. Have you ever seen the...
  13. P

    Have you ever gotten out of a ticket by flirting?

    The old standby is that all a woman has to do is show a little cleavage, and the cop's eyes bulge and his tongue droops like a cartoon character, and she gets nothing but ogling eyes. As a male, I don't see this very likely, from either standpoint. Are very many women brave enough to really try...
  14. P

    That's considered assault?

    I understand assault means hitting with an object or hand/fist, kicking and biting. But anymore, it seems anything can be considered assault. Do you know that not only is spitting considered an assault (on an officer or anyone else), but spitting in their direction without hitting them, is also...
  15. P

    Pulling Over A Friend Or Family Member

    A classmate of mine was a local cop for a few years. Although we weren't close friends, we knew each other well. He pulled me over a total of three times. I never got a ticket from him, even though he could have. I think it made him uncomfortable once he realized it was me. He probably should...
  16. P

    What do you consider excessive force?

    "Pay you back"? He didn't do anything to them personally. It's not like he hurt one of them and ran off. But even if he had, what kind of professionalism is that? They are supposed to be impartial, and protect and serve. I don't see anything of the kind when you are getting roughed up for simply...
  17. P

    An officer's attitude while on duty

    It can be argued that if you give an officer an attitude, you are more likely to receive more swift and a worse consequence. A warning will likely turn into a ticket, or worse. The other way around, can an officer be bleak and unfriendly all the time, and get away with it? I don't see many...
  18. P

    Should police be allowed to get overweight?

    Even if it is true what you say, that heavyset officers can do their job efficiently (and I am doubting it), part of a cop's duty is to look the part. They must wear a perfectly clean uniform, have their nametag and badge in plain sight, and be well-groomed. But they can be 50 pounds overweight...
  19. P

    Disgusted with the News

    The world has always been violent, it is just nature. Look at animals since prehistoric times. Aggression is the natural way to get what you need and want, such as food, territory, and mates. Humans are not so above it, that they are not a part of natural order of things. The media makes it a...
  20. P

    Fuzz Buster

    I know that some people still use these devices, but I am not sure they are still being made and sold. If you are old like me, you might remember them from when you were a kid. They were small devices that plug into the cigarette lighter, and you put them on your dashboard. If it detected a...