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  1. P

    What "minor" laws do you break?

    I am sure there are things that you do, if someone really wanted to push the issue, could wind you up in some kind of criminal proceedings. People exaggerate or downplay their circumstances to help in their taxes. A lot of people will sample produce, like grapes, before deciding whether or not...
  2. P

    Why don't more prisoners sue the prison when they are sexually assaulted?

    We all know prison are a haven for unwanted sexual advancements. But what I don't understand is why more people don't sue the prison and government tied to it? I had a friend who was assaulted while in state prison. He and two other people teamed together with their lawyers, and brought a case...
  3. P

    Do you see an increase of police activity on New Years Eve?

    We just drove from a town 35 miles away, passing one town in between. I saw at least four police cars in different districts. Most of them were not patrolling, but hiding in the dark, obviously trying to catch someone speeding and/or drunk driving. I noticed two were on the edge of town, as if...
  4. P

    Have You Ever Seen Someone Do Something Incredibly Stupid In Front Of A Cop?

    I don't want to make my mom look like a bad person, but yeah, it was mom. She passed a car in a 55 mph zone, doing about 70. It happened to be an unmarked cop car. My sister and I didn't have seatbelts on. Suddenly we see lights flashing in the grill. I look back in the back window and the...
  5. P

    Have you ever been arrested? If yes, how long has it been?

    Nice to know that a majority of the people that posted have not been arrested. The few that have were minor offenses. I actually expected to hear a slew of people bragging on what they did. The fact that most seem to be law-abiding citizens really makes me feel a little better about society.
  6. P

    How often is a cell phone mistaken for a gun?

    I would think in this modern era, where everyone carries a phone, that police would often mistake a cell for a gun or another weapon. Some states are now starting to digitalize their I.D.'s onto mobile devices, so now when a police person pulls you over, you may have to show them your device...
  7. P

    Have there been many officers killed in the line of duty in your town?

    A Sheriff's deputy was killed in the next county over from me a few years ago. He was the first officer killed in the line of duty by a perpetrator in 25 years, here in Iowa. It was a huge deal. Police officers from all over the state attended his funeral. I have a friend that is from the town...
  8. P

    Do you you think police rape ladies when arresting them?

    This sounds more likely in Middle Eastern countries, Russia, China, and African nations. I don't think it happens very often within America. It might occasionally happen in desolate, rural areas, with a rogue officer and a defenseless lady. I don't think it happens within county jails much. I...
  9. P

    Why does the Sheriff's Department charge you for gas when they serve you a paper?

    I actually got charged twice when I was younger, because they didn't find me home the first time. Because the county seat is about 12 miles from my house they charged me about what it would have cost for two tanks of gas at the time! This is insane. If I am being served, why should I have to pay...
  10. P

    How much downtime do officers have on their shift?

    I would have to disagree about no need to drive around. There is a need. It is called patrolling. I don't know for sure, but I assume they have to log a certain amount of miles on each shift. Does anyone know if this is true or not? I do sometimes see police cars moving through the oddest...
  11. P

    Device that allows police to hear you inside your house

    Such a device would probably be made legal in suspected terrorism cases, through the Patriot Act. But I see it having a twofold value, the same as lie detector test. If you pass the test, there is no further interrogation. But if you fail, even though it can't be used in court, the police...
  12. P

    How much downtime do officers have on their shift?

    The construction worker analogy is very good. Because the next time you go by you do see how much work they did, and realize they must not be slacking off after all. I am not trying to imply police are lazy or not doing their job. But yes, seeing endless speed traps, but no action on their part...
  13. P

    Video-recording police

    I agree with you 100% Krisi. I can tell by many of the answers on this thread that people still think they will get in trouble either legally, or a police person will yell and/or take their camera. None of it will happen if the officer follows the law. I wouldn't suggest trailing a cop or going...
  14. P

    That's considered assault?

    Okay, there is a difference between biting and spitting. I understand that the human mouth is full of bacteria. Really any animal that is an omnivore is carrying a lot of bacteria in their mouths. Spitting on someone, even if you hit them is pretty unlikely to spread a communicable disease. Your...
  15. P

    Samuel L Jackson Boycott this BUM

    I am not against black people or any other race standing up for themselves. That includes white people, like myself. But I sometimes see black people, while trying to stand up from themselves, also alienating themselves. When people like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton preach(ed) about what they...
  16. P

    Have you ever gotten out of a ticket by flirting?

    I don't believe that this is a common thing. Some police might give the person a more harsh treatment for trying. Technically, it's a bribe. The cop might think that the person is trying to seduce them, and then it would be solicitation. Things could go from a small ticket to a prostitution...
  17. P

    Video-recording police

    I appreciate the replies, but I don't understand either one of them. I am guessing you were raised to believe the police are untouchable. There is no reason whatsoever you cannot record people, including police. I am not saying you should do it just to try and cause a problem, but if you wanted...
  18. P

    An officer's attitude while on duty

    Thank you all for the answers. In the past, police officers were required to be polite. The "friendly neighborhood patrolman" was a real thing, and not just something you saw on black-and-white TV shows. A police person with a nice, upbeat attitude is going to instill trust in the people he is...
  19. P

    How many hours do you guys have to work every day?

    Yes, most officers work 12 hours a day. I think that is pushing it a little, especially if they work in a high-crime area. The last thing you would want is an exhausted officer, if you are in need of rescuing. Crime doesn't stop for the holidays, so I don't think any of them get it off. They...
  20. P

    That's considered assault?

    I appreciate the replies, but I don't consider spitting to be assault. It's rude and lewd, but assault? In what way (unless you have a disease that can be contracted through your saliva) is it hurting a person you are spitting on? Also, I was not necessarily referring to the officer alone, as...