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  1. Catson

    If you could cure a disease/ailment, what would it be?

    I'd cure Diabetes Type 1, for personal reasons and impersonal reasons. It's an unfair disease, you're just randomly selected one day to be a Diabetic. You could be the healthiest person in your family, and you would still be vulnerable. It almost seems unpreventable, which is why I would want it...
  2. Catson

    Would you travel around space if you had the chance?

    I probably would, if interstellar travel was possible and easy to do. I'm not talking about trips that take thousands of lifetimes to complete, but rather trips that would take days in a human life to complete. Like that of a similar road trip on earth, it would be astonishing to view the...
  3. Catson

    Whats the silliest thing you've ever done?

    I don't know if I was drunk, or if my brain malfunctioned or what. I was using my phone, when suddenly I zoned out. I tried looking for it but I couldn't find it, though I was gripping this strange box in my hand. I thought to myself, that couldn't possibly be where my phone is. So I went around...
  4. Catson

    Your dream job?

    My dream job is to become a Dermatologist, or Podiatrist. They get really high pay for doing almost nothing! Besides that, I really have interest in the human skin/feet. I get to work with something I enjoy, while using minimal effort. More time to spend with my family, my parents, and money to...
  5. Catson

    What's your favorite music genre?

    I don't like to label things, or to group them under one generalizing name. I like all sorts of music, if it sounds good I'll dig it. What do you guys like though?
  6. Catson

    The kids keep hounding us for a dog

    A German Shepard or Labrador would probably suit your family best. They're extremely nice, friendly and loyal dogs. I'm hoping on getting one myself, I haven't had a pet since I was 8 years old or so.
  7. Catson

    At what age would you consider someone to be old?

    You're welcome lad, and no I haven't heard anything of the sort. I'm surprised that kind of make up hasn't hit world markets. A lot of rather mature ladies would probably love to get their hands on that kind of thing. I hope you do find something though, I'd love to see it. That appliance of...
  8. Catson

    What do you do when you're bored?

    Seems we all share common things to do when we're bored. It's nice to see these similarities. Although, there are some responses that stand out from the rest.
  9. Catson

    If you could live anywhere you wanted, where would you live?

    In a quiet and tranquil place. Somewhere with a small number of people, who form a tight knit community. Someplace with vast and beautiful landscape, filled with flora and diverse animals. A place where I can wake up in the morning and marvel in the wonders of the earth.
  10. Catson

    What would you do if you had a million dollars?

    I would most likely give it all away, or use it to benefit others. Sure, I'd be tempted to spend some for myself no doubt. Though, it does feel better to use that money in virtuous ways.
  11. Catson

    What's the first movie you've seen?

    The first movie I saw was the Rugrats movie. I really enjoyed the movie, despite how nonsensical it was. Thinking of it now delivers a lot of nostalgia.
  12. Catson

    What's the riskiest thing you've ever done?

    I was making toast all by myself one morning, until I got impatient. I wanted to have some fun in order to make time pass by faster. So, I decided to play with the toaster; keep in mind that I was 7 at the time. I got a fork and started to poke the toaster all about, then I got curious and...
  13. Catson

    What movies have you seen recently?

    I've recently viewed Maleficent. I kind of expected the ending, though I always wanted things to play out differently throughout the story. It's a very nice movie, and I recommend watching it.
  14. Catson

    Woman wants to give away her aggressive cat for free

    She shouldn't be so aggressive with her cat, it's probably the reason why her is pet biting her. She should use a water bottle to spray the cat with, as punishment for bad behavior. Slapping the cat like that probably made it angry, and it's retaliating due to revenge based purposes. Notice how...
  15. Catson

    What do you do when you're bored?

    I generally listen to music, surf the web, cook some food, watch some episodes, or sleep. I'm not here to discuss what I do, however, I want to hear from you. So, what do you do when you're bored?
  16. Catson

    Jackie Chan has ignited controversy

    I'm sure he meant no ill-will. He said this with a sense of unity in mind. Besides, one can see countries cooperating in times of great stress. Take the Haitian earthquake for example, the US rushed to send relief overseas. Countries primarily focused on helping Haiti out. How about now? There...
  17. Catson

    At what age would you consider someone to be old?

    Hard to refute your claim, because it makes sense. Looks can be deceiving, and it's not fair to judge a person's age by what you see. That's a great observation you have there.
  18. Catson

    What is your least favorite part of your day?

    Not sure, I enjoy every part of my day. I get to be alive for another day, which is great. I can't hinge myself on hating a specific part of the day, it doesn't seem practical in my opinion.
  19. Catson

    At what age would you consider someone to be old?

    I'd consider someone to be old at around 80+ years. The youngest age that I'd consider someone to be old is 50, but I wouldn't take them as seriously old.
  20. Catson

    why do most people like dogs more than cats?

    Dogs are animals that provide unconditional love, they're simple to understand, and easy to play with. Cats are more sophisticated creatures, that don't warm up so easily. Dogs are man's best friend, I've yet to hear the same about cats.