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  1. btatro

    Possibe new serial killer emerges in Indiana

    Well I sure hope you don't agree with someone being a serial killer! I hate to say it, but history tells the future, and we are likely 'due' for another high profile case
  2. btatro

    Man charged with DUI on shopping cart

    Really? Haha I suppose. It was not so long ago that I learned you could receive a DUI riding a bike, so I guess a shopping cart is not so far off. Maybe?
  3. btatro

    Second Ebola victim to fly to US....wonderful

    Oh, there is no way in hell I would take that vaccine! Kidding me? Not without extensive long term research!
  4. btatro

    9 Year Old Boy Sneaks Onto Plane Flies To Las Vegas

    I agree, how does this even happen?! Are they not aware of tickets sold vs passengers on board?
  5. btatro

    Police Arrest Woman For Using Vibrator On Baby

    That is absolutely sickening and disheartening that a person could have that belief. Breaks my heart for that poor child.
  6. btatro

    Couch to 5k

    I did C25K a few years ago when I started running. Previous to that, I had not been a runner, AT ALL. A few months ago, I ran my first half marathon, and have my 2nd half marathon coming up in 3 weeks. It is a great program for those just beginning. I biggest advice is to just stick with the...
  7. btatro

    Have you ever been arrested?

    I have NOT every been arrested. I am a 'good egg' ;)
  8. btatro

    Why do you think people disrespect police officers?

    I think people that disrespect police officers, or other people of authority, are people that lack respect in the first place. There certaily are some 'bad' police officers, but I do believe that the majority are part of the 'good guy' club.
  9. btatro

    He was drunk and High when he came to pick up my son

    No, I do not think you over-reacted. I wonder how it would have played out had you been the party to phone the police. Clearly it was not a safe situation, and to send a child to drive with person who is under the influence would have been negilgent on your end.
  10. btatro

    What do you think about law enforcement shows?

    I agree. I find some entertaining, but obviously not so realistic. It is, neat, however, to get ideas about how things may be done, or possibly what types of things could or will be used in the future.
  11. btatro

    Do you have a quota?

    I feel like people like to throw out this 'excuse' all the time, in order to explain why they were pulled over/given a citation vs a warning/ etc. I would be interesting to hear an answer from someone who has a definite answer. When it comes down to it, quota or not, they still have to have a...
  12. btatro

    What can happen if you sell alcohol to a minor

    I'm fairly certain this person is/was aware of their wrong-doing, and you have made a post, it seems, to simply post, and not answer the question. Yes, this is something that could go on your record. There will also likely be a fine attached to this citation, if that had not been given already.
  13. btatro

    Did i do right in this situation?

    Sounds like you did the right thing. Obviously he was trying to get away with something, or he wouldn't have become so aggressive over you getting his information as well. I agree that as soon as there is any kind of dispute/digruntlement that the police should be called. Better to have the...
  14. btatro

    Do you think People should be entitled to Carry Concealed Weapons

    I completely agree that guns themselves are not the problem. People are the problem. There are good people (who will carry a gun for protection, etc) and their are bad people (who will carry a gun for crime, intimidation, etc). It really has nothing to do with the gun itself. Either you are a...
  15. btatro

    Protein Shakes

    I drink Shakeology on a regular basis. While I wouldn't necessarily classify it as solely a protein shake, it does offer 17g of protein in the shake alone + whatever add ins you use (milk, pb2, etc). I don't sell it or anything so take this as you may, but after thorough research, it really is...
  16. btatro

    I was curious to see how many hours a week you work out?

    I would love to hit some of the numbers I see posted above. Due to my life and busy schedule, I am lucky to get my workout in on my lunchbreak (around an hour). I often then also do another 35 minutes or so in the evening, but I probably come in around 8 hours total for the week.
  17. btatro

    Do you take supplements?

    I solely take a strong multivitamin. My try to keep my diet as 'clean' and 'whole' as possible to ensure that I am getting the majority of the nutrients I need naturally and from their original source.