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  1. Teens In Crisis

    What is morality?

    I personally don't think it's all that subjective. Knowing what the right thing to do is easy. That does not mean the legal thing to do, but the right and just and ethical thing to do. Saying it's based on your own mind and decisions seems like a great way for serial killers to justify their...
  2. Teens In Crisis

    Doctor Strange: July 2016?

    Does anyone else find it hard to get excited when they announce movies that are years away from coming to the screen? DC had a whole slew of stuff, that's great, if it happens. One or two wrong steps however and it could all go away.
  3. Teens In Crisis

    Walking Dead Season 5

    Episode 2 ended brutal! That's all I can say without giving away too much, but I can't wait to see how it turns out of "them".
  4. Teens In Crisis


    I think it's commendable that you stepped up and reported suspicious activity. You didn't accuse them of anything, simply reported that it might need further investigation. There is nothing wrong with having a sense of responsibility and honor, especially if it's about the neighborhood where you...
  5. Teens In Crisis

    Man punches female store clerk

    I think that the bigger problem is almost certainly the people who stood around an allowed injustice to happen. Edmund Burke once said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." That's exactly what happened here. It's kind of sad.
  6. Teens In Crisis

    9 Year Old Boy Sneaks Onto Plane Flies To Las Vegas

    It takes some planning and some balls, I'll give you that. The TSA isn't exactly known for being top notch detectives, and has made some pretty questionable decisions in the past. However, my real concern would be how are we supposed to feel protected from terrorism if a 9 year old can fool an...
  7. Teens In Crisis

    Do confidential informants ever get paid?

    I'm not sure that getting underage cig sales is the same as "snitching", not that I believe in snitching to begin with. Doing the right thing should NEVER be frowned upon. However, I can say that this story is 100% true because I know at least two people that make a pretty good living doing this...
  8. Teens In Crisis

    Teachers and guns

    I'm also against it, but lets not pretend that security officers are "trained" law enforcement officers or have any specific training with weapons. While I'm sure that some are, I also know a whole lot of minimum wage security officers that carry, and have never even fired the weapon in practice.
  9. Teens In Crisis

    What is the legal age that a child can ride in the front seat?

    I'm pretty sure that's illegal in most states. There is usually an age & weight restriction involved, and I think it's not even close to 5 years old. I'm thinking 12 or so, plus a specific weight, if I remember correctly.
  10. Teens In Crisis

    Is it legal to drive a vehicle with a snake around your neck?

    I'm not sure why it would be illegal? Because you don't like it? If the animal is legal in your state, not a danger to the general public, how is it any different than driving around with a dog in your car? Perhaps having it "around the neck" might be frowned upon because of the chance for...
  11. Teens In Crisis

    School asks officer not to wear uniform or sidearm while picking up daughter

    I agree that it's reasonable to ask not to bring the gun, but it's unreasonable to deny access, especially the first time. How hard would it have been to simply ask the guy not to bring it again? Obviously it wasn't a situation that needed immediate action. They could have talked to him like the...
  12. Teens In Crisis

    Hello From North Carolina!

    My guess is if it was a "zombie" then you can't kill something twice. Then again, I'm not a lawyer and I don't believe in zombies. LOL
  13. Teens In Crisis

    How Anonymous Are We?

    It's a tough call to make. In a recent case, a friend had loved one was "living" in a house where the owner had died, weeks ago, and had simply put them in the trunk in the garage. It wasn't a situation like murder, it happened naturally, but they did not want to move, or be "inconvenienced" by...
  14. Teens In Crisis

    Do you shop online?

    I only shop online these days. I very rarely venture out into the retail world. Customer service is dead, and for the most part, other shoppers are jerks. I really don't like to do it. I'd rather order what I want, wait a day or two from Amazon, and be guaranteed to like what I have, or ship it...
  15. Teens In Crisis

    How To Act When Being Pulled Over

    I love this response. I too am also usually, while not outright admitting, willing to accept responsibility for something that I blatantly do. I'm all for personal responsibility in cases like this, and I think that the officers appreciate that, and understand that sometimes it happens.
  16. Teens In Crisis

    Are Guns Really Necessary For Cops?

    I think it's important to understand that the number of police officers that use their service weapons responsibly FAR outweighs the ones that make mistakes, intentional or unintentional. The fact is, only the negative gets put on CNN. I think that officers need guns, not just for protection...
  17. Teens In Crisis

    Creepy clown terrifies town

    I don't really care what they're doing. It's not against the law to make people uncomfortable, actually, that's part of life. It's probably time to deal with it. Too many people are worried about what someone else is doing, and need to focus on their own drama.
  18. Teens In Crisis

    Have you witnessed a crime happening yet?

    I was once accompanying a friend to get her "food stamps" (if anyone knows what they were, before EBT) and the place we got them from, in Philadelphia, was robbed my men with automatic weapons. There was a standoff for about 3 hours and it was resolved without any real violence, but damn, it was...
  19. Teens In Crisis

    School asks officer not to wear uniform or sidearm while picking up daughter

    Side Note: The uniform thing is completely out of line. He should be proud of that, and so should they. They wouldn't ask a soldier not to wear his uniform. Or, maybe the would, but I think that's taking it way too far. Attitudes like that are going to drive a wedge between citizens and law...
  20. Teens In Crisis

    School asks officer not to wear uniform or sidearm while picking up daughter

    I can understand the school's overall point, if it boiled down to liability reasons. Some parents these days are litigious just for the sake of a settlement, and schools are struggling to keep funds as it is. However, a police officer, that's acting like an officer, should have easily been given...