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  1. Teens In Crisis

    Would you eat insects?

    I've had crickets, meal worms, ant larvae tacos, and all kinds of other stuff. Meat is meat, and I'm not afraid to eat it! Lots of cultures eat this kind of stuff, so I'm not worried about it.
  2. Teens In Crisis

    Wife hires hitman to kill husband

    I am not saying she's right, or in any way justified, but not one comment about what the husband must have been like? I mean, every time this happens, it's always the "bitch" that at fault, not the husband who was just sitting there being Flanders.
  3. Teens In Crisis

    Esquire deems Scarlett Johansson the sexiest woman alive

    I think she's smoking hot, not particularly "slutty", how would you even know? I do think her voice is irritating as hell thought.
  4. Teens In Crisis

    Why do the police ask, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

    My guess would be that they ask for a combination of finding out what the reason for it is, and also get see if they'll just admit to the crime or not.
  5. Teens In Crisis

    Favorite TV Cop

    OK, going a little old school here, but The Commish! I just liked the fact that he was a family man, a tough guy, but had a great heart, and was all about truth and justice.
  6. Teens In Crisis

    Do you fear your job?

    I really hope not. I realize that a certain amount of fear is needed to stay alert and on point, but I'd like t think that there are days when they wake up and think that they are going to do something great, protect someone, and change the life of someone, in a positive way.
  7. Teens In Crisis

    No more honey boo boo! Mom is dating a sex offender...

    There's another story breaking that one of the children involved is actually one of June's kids. This thing keeps getting more bizarre and crazy by the day.
  8. Teens In Crisis

    What's your favorite police procedural?

    There are TONS of cop shows out there right now? So what are some of your favorites? All time favorites? I guess they don't have to be "realistic" cause, I mean, what is? I really enjoyed The Shield when it was on, and I'm really digging Chicago PD. I think that it might be one of the best...
  9. Teens In Crisis

    Fear/Mistrust of Police

    Do you guys think that it's natural to have a fear/mistrust of the police? I know a lot of people that are strictly "keep the cops out of it" type people. I personally feel like if you're not doing anything wrong, have nothing to hide, then there is no reason to fear/mistrust the cops. I'd...
  10. Teens In Crisis

    Forum Issues?

    It seems that no matter what topic I post on that it goes to the same thread. It's an intro thread. Must be a glitch or something going on guys.
  11. Teens In Crisis


    First thing I would buy is a house and a car. Nothing too flashy, but good enough for my family, and future generations. I would keep just enough to live on, and put the rest away for my daughter in order to secure her future.
  12. Teens In Crisis

    Hey from Florida

    To answer the thread question, I don't know exactly. I've been to parties where everyone was cited, but most of them won when they fought it. If you're not caught with a beer, and not testing positive, you didn't really do anything wrong, but I don't know what the specific law is.
  13. Teens In Crisis

    If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what

    Re: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, w I think a whole lot of people would say stuff like "war" "racism" "poverty" etc... It might sound selfish, and I know it's not as epic as racism or war, but I'd get rid of refined sugar. Everything would have...
  14. Teens In Crisis

    If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?

    Ancient Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. He's my favorite author, and I think I could learn a lot from him during a lunch. Definitely him or Bruce Lee.
  15. Teens In Crisis

    Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?

    Would it be cheating to just say I mean, that would almost be ideal right? Everything under one roof? I guess if I had to choose a brick & mortar store then it would probably be Best Buy or Fry's Electronics. Lots of cool stuff, and I always find so much stuff that I want, but...
  16. Teens In Crisis

    Doctor Strange: July 2016?

    It seems like Marvel is having a hard time getting people to commit to a Dr. Strange role. I think that both the magical element, and the long term commitment involved is turning A and B list actors away. It will be interesting to see who actually lands the role, and how it all turns out.
  17. Teens In Crisis

    Vitamins are garbage

    I personally think that it's pretty ignorant to say that people who eat McDonald's don't have respect for themselves. That's what the comment implied, regardless of intent. Statistically speaking, with the number of sales throughout the fast food industry, that would imply that a HUGE portion of...
  18. Teens In Crisis

    Holiday Travel

    I have moved from Philadelphia to Arizona and have not been able to see my family in 5 years. I missed my mother & grandfathers funeral because of it. The economic climate in Arizona is not great at all right now and it really sucks. I hope things get better. I literally have a handful of nieces...
  19. Teens In Crisis

    Marijuana Decriminalized in Philadelphia.

    Reform might be a good thing, but there needs to be balance in the system. Driving under the influence is still a crime, regardless of what the drug is, and those laws need to be enforced. As well as age restrictions. It can't be a "weed free for all" just because it was decriminalized. People...
  20. Teens In Crisis

    Where do you go when you want to be alone?

    I like to find a field with really tall grass. I'll go out into the field and lay in the grass, completely surrounded by it, unable to be seen, or see anything except the sky that I am looking up at. It gives me a sense of well-being, a feeling of total immersion, and a chance to be alone with...