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  1. Teens In Crisis

    How many times you have been scammed on the internet?

    I have been on the net since AOL 2.0 and can't really think of any time I've been "scammed". I'm not sure that I consider not being paid a scam. When someone rips you off like that, or steals from you, that's not really the same thing as a scam. They are scum bags, and you can't prevent people...
  2. Teens In Crisis

    Hola ! Newbie here

    Welcome to the community! It's a pretty great place to hang out, talk a little smack, and learn about the ins & outs of being a police officer!
  3. Teens In Crisis


    I don't understand the question. Would he? Yes, if he was caught and the evidence was sufficient. Should he? I think is harder to answer for some, but yes I think he should. I don't believe in vigilante justice, especially torture and murder. Does that mean they didn't have it coming? No, but...
  4. Teens In Crisis

    No more honey boo boo! Mom is dating a sex offender...

    Well, the show has been canceled, it turns out one of the daughters was assaulted by this guy at one point... and now the cameras won't be there for additional footage/protection. Someone needs to step in here and make sure these kids are safe.
  5. Teens In Crisis

    Exotic Pet in NJ Escapes--Again

    I read an article recently that said their are more Tigers in captivity in Texas, than their are in the wild, world wide. That's pretty scary stuff. Everyone talks about the "Zombie Apocalypse" but now lets factor in the amount of animals that will be roaming around too!
  6. Teens In Crisis

    Abandoned America

    You know, I always get flack for saying this, but I think that the space program is another program that needs to be suspended indefinitely. Why are we trying for outer space when we need to get America back together still? Yes, the programs have created some great tech, but independent think...
  7. Teens In Crisis

    Are your travel plans being affected by Ebola?

    My plans to accept a job that had 2 weeks of training in that part of Texas were canceled (by me) because it was not worth the risk. I know that probably sounds reactionary, but I was in Reston, VA when that Ebola-Zaire outbreak happened, and although it was minimal, I remember being terrified...
  8. Teens In Crisis

    Shooter Mourned with Victims

    Losing someone is hard on people, but a certain level of decency and shame are acceptable when someone in your family commits a heinous act. I think it would be smarter, and honestly, a little classier to do your mourning in private, in consideration of the victims your family member created.
  9. Teens In Crisis

    Can a male police officer frisk a 15 year old girl

    There is still a lot of double standard today. It's not as prevalent as it was, say 10 years ago, but it very much still exists. This is a prime example. The underage thing is particular to this instance, but in general, I think we should not assume that a male cop is going for a quick feel...
  10. Teens In Crisis

    Washington School Shooting

    I'm not sure that you can say mental disorders are relevant to the number of parents that work, or anything like that. There is zero cause & effect evidence to base that on. However, I do think that a today, and not just in our youth, there seems to be a lot more people with entitlement issues...
  11. Teens In Crisis

    Hello! Aspiring officer here.

    Man, I really wish that we had some of those benefits here in the states. They seem like a great incentive to do some realy rewarding work. How is the "service weapon" situation over there? Do cops typically carry? I know some countries don't really do things the same way, so I'm curious.
  12. Teens In Crisis


    Is this not a thing in other countries? I'm curious what some of the stereotypes of cops are in other countries around the world!
  13. Teens In Crisis

    Best exercises for reflexes?

    There is the double double end bag which helps you with body shots as well as head shots. However, for rapid reflexes you want to work on the single double end bag as it bounces back and forth at a faster pace.
  14. Teens In Crisis

    Esquire deems Scarlett Johansson the sexiest woman alive

    Acting wise, I can't figure out why they keep casting her. She has the same basic expression on her face in every movie, the same almost blank delivery, and it's just so off putting. She's pretty, so that helps, but I just don't get the mass appeal, other than looks.
  15. Teens In Crisis

    Possibe new serial killer emerges in Indiana

    I don't know about everywhere, but here in AZ the whole sex offender thing is pretty easy to skate around. I have worked with youth offenders, and they are "required" to report when they move, but they are given a certain amount of time to do so, and then they move again, and then they move...
  16. Teens In Crisis

    Can a male police officer frisk a 15 year old girl

    Not being rude here, but does anyone have any idea if this is a "rule" or not? Or is this all speculation? There seems to always be rumors and myths about what's allowed and what is not. I'd love to hear, or see, some official policy on the subject.
  17. Teens In Crisis

    Hello! Aspiring officer here.

    Good luck! If you don't mind, what made you decide to join? What were the pros/cons of becoming an officer? Is it different there than being a cop in the US?
  18. Teens In Crisis

    Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?

    I am ashamed to say that I am not that familiar with the lyrics of the American national anthem. I guess I should know it a little better than I do, but I don't know many song lyrics, and I don't exactly sing it on a regular basis.
  19. Teens In Crisis

    Woman Steals Foul Ball From Little Girl

    How many people saw it and let her get away with it? That's the sad case. It's cases like this that have people around them and watching, and do nothing about it, that contribute to the overall lack of BS like this that happens.
  20. Teens In Crisis

    Escaped Python Kills 2 Boys

    I'm deathly afraid of snakes and this kind of stuff terrifies me man. I can't believe that this type of stuff happens in civilized society.