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  1. Peninha

    Woman Doused Boyfriend, Set Him On Fire

    Yeah, that requires a lot of evil to be inside of you, she wanted to cause him an horrible death, it's hard to believe how can someone be like this.
  2. Peninha

    Man Attacks Woman For Finding Her Different From Online Profile

    I think is wrong to deceive people, but this is what happens nowadays with all the online relationships, he should have known.
  3. Peninha

    NY Officers Attacked With Ax, Suspect Killed

    Most likely drug issues or personal problems with on of those officers, I guess we will never know.
  4. Peninha

    Washington State School Shooting

    Shooting at school are the most scary things I can imagine as a parent, it's suppose that our kids are safe there right?
  5. Peninha

    Do you you think police rape ladies when arresting them?

    Africa is a world apart indeed, it makes me sad that the rest of the world takes no action to stop what's happening there.
  6. Peninha


    If my survival would depends on eating insects I would eat them for sure, some of them might be rather delicious. ;)
  7. Peninha


    I agree, working hard will lead you to success, best of luck in the academy and serving as a police officer later.
  8. Peninha

    Hey from Florida

    Welcome to the community, I hope you enjoy your stay here.
  9. Peninha

    Greetings from Jersey

    Welcome to the forum, it's a great community to learn more about the police.
  10. Peninha

    Man Attacks Woman For Finding Her Different From Online Profile

    This is a huge risk, knowing someone online can lead to lies and deceiving, we never know who we are going to meet...
  11. Peninha

    NY Officers Attacked With Ax, Suspect Killed

    The police is never safe, but I wonder why this man attacked them with... an ax?! I hope the injured officer gets better soon.
  12. Peninha


    Great to see a Police Officer here on the forum! How is it to serve in NY?
  13. Peninha

    Funniest things you have heard a Police Officer Say

    LOL, in that case those pants really busted him, funny story indeed dolittle. :)
  14. Peninha

    Man offers weed to cop and makes it disappear..BLACK MAGIC..!!

    LOL, I imagine the cop, but with no evidence what can he do?
  15. Peninha

    If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what

    Re: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, w I would try to create equality, that no one starved or was sick, this should be our priority, not to become rich.
  16. Peninha

    Teachers and guns

    I don't think that guns should be allowed in schools, it's a teaching facility, not a place to carry guns.
  17. Peninha

    500-pound Florida Man Uses Size To Resist Arrest

    Police officers need to be creative to deal with this kind of weight, the man should have cooperated though.
  18. Peninha

    Ohio Man Admits Killing Pregnant Girlfriend

    I think that killing a pregnant woman is the worse crime that exists, so I hope he stays in jail for life.
  19. Peninha

    To What Extent Does Personality Matter For One To Be Recruited?

    I feel that a good personality is important, but I don't see it as something determinant to make it as a police.
  20. Peninha

    Denver police chief wants to equip 800 officers with body cameras

    Awesome idea if there is a budget for this, a camera will be the testimony of everything they say.