Recent content by jack19

  1. J

    Army Ranger believed to be unconscious salutes during Purple Heart ceremony

    Thank you for your great service. Heal well and heal quickly.
  2. J

    Background check on myself

    I wanted to know where I can go for a background check on myself? How much do they charge?
  3. J


    I decided to try a kettlebell. I'm starting off with a 20lb KB, I don't have the biggest arms, my arms are skinny and I don't think I could do much more. What is the most common guideline when starting?
  4. J

    thoughts on reserve or auxiliary police

    I was looking to get everyone's thoughts on reserve or auxiliary police. If you have been or currently one now, are you happy with your decision? Would you recommend the experience?
  5. J

    Missing voluntarily

    I would like to know if a person is reported missing and police says that foul play isn't suspected, does it mean that the person is believed to be missing voluntarily?
  6. J

    What to study

    Hi everyone. I am going into the police academy in July. I'm a soldier in the Army National Guard so PT doesn't really make me nervous, I wanted to know if there is something I can study or anything else I should know?
  7. J

    If you could have any car, what would you choose?

    If you could have any car, what would you choose?
  8. J

    Looking for opinions

    You can't go wrong with Smith and Wesson.
  9. J

    I was wondering how many sets and reps should I do of each exercise?

    I haven't been working out that long and I'm trying to get stronger. I was wondering how many sets and reps should I do of each exercise?
  10. J

    This is my favorite scene from Southland

    This is my favorite scene from Southland--Hey Shithead!
  11. J

    Blackhawks outlast Bruins in triple-overtime Game 1

    That was one of the most entertaining hockey game I've seen all year.
  12. J

    What is the largest police department in the United States?

    What is the largest police department in the United States?
  13. J

    police officer never reads the person his rights

    If someone is arrested and the police officer never reads the person his rights, will the arrest be illegal and will the person get off?
  14. J

    Resident of the state

    I wanted to know if police departments require you to be a resident of the state in which you are applying?
  15. J


    Hi guys, my name is Jack and I'm from Pittsburgh, Pa. I'm happy to have found this LE site.