The kids keep hounding us for a dog


The kids keep hounding us for a dog. I think we are finally going to give in and get one. I'm looking for a breed that has more patience with younger children.
Labrador retrievers are the perfect family dog. Bulldogs can put up with alot, also Collies (lassie) are great family dogs as well. Irish settlers are great choices for families with yards because of their energy. Poodles are great for children with allergies because they don't shed as much. Also my personal favorite Shih Tzus are amazing.
my parents had a terrier . very friendly dog. i myself have a labrador. i think kids should grow up around dogs . unconditional love they give you
it also teaches them a sense of responsibility and the value of life. its also a great hobby if they really learn about it online and decide to train their dog.
A samoyed would be apt one as a family dog,it has a history of being one.They keep you busy all the time if you are with them.Check if they actually will like this breed or decide for yourself.
labradors are huge and not ideal for children..
Another good choice would be the Daschund.
Kids love animals and if you have a large space why not give him one? If I lived in a place with a backyard I would sure get one for my kid.
Yeah, I used to have a Labrador when I was a kid, named him Stick. They are truly great family dogs, they stay happy all of the time and stay loyal with you until the end, I really, really recommend you to get a dog, it keeps your kids entertained more than their toys would.
Labrador's are always a great choice, a very happy breed of dog that loves to love pretty much. Can't go wrong Lassie either though :)
Yeah, you really can't go wrong with Labradors. They're gentle, playful, and excellent with children.
If you want a big dog, German Shepherd or Labrador are perfect. If you want a small home dog, go for a yorkshire terrier. I have one and they're lovely, and VERY patient, I must say.
We had a collie growing up and it was the best dog with any child. He lived 20 years and we never ever had a child bitten, growled, or snapped at. The best dogs are dogs from private homes or breeders. Most times they will have been treated much better and will have a mild temper.
Labrador's are always a great choice, a very happy breed of dog that loves to love pretty much. Can't go wrong Lassie either though :)

yep mine is probably one of the friendliest you will meet. sometimes street dogs viciously bark at him and he just looks at them with his tail wagging.
yep mine is probably one of the friendliest you will meet. sometimes street dogs viciously bark at him and he just looks at them with his tail wagging.

My small yorkshire usually barks at every dog and wants to go to them, not sure if to bite or what he has in mind. He barks on big dogs but I guess he'd just "pussy out" if I released him. Hehehe.
I have a Dachshund, its a small dog, very soft and playful with children, loves affection and does not require much walking etc.
A German Shepard or Labrador would probably suit your family best. They're extremely nice, friendly and loyal dogs. I'm hoping on getting one myself, I haven't had a pet since I was 8 years old or so.
I read somewhere that kids that grow up in homes that have pets are more responsible. Would it be possible to foster a dog from a shelter for some time to determine if your kids can take care of their pet properly? My sister bought a dog called moss from a shelter; she is the gentlest dog I have ever seen.
My first dog when I was a kid was a Corgi. They are the best family dogs for new beginners as each one has their own loving personality. Queen Elizabeth loves them, so should everyone else! Labs are good, but they can be a lot of work due to be a bigger dog. With any dog though, be prepared for them to want to chew anything and everything as a puppy, especially labs.