Do you think People should be entitled to Carry Concealed Weapons

Do you feel People should be allowed to carry concealed weapons

  • Yes, Civilians should be able to carry concealed weapon

    Votes: 25 62.5%
  • No, I don't believe civilians should carry concealed carry permits

    Votes: 15 37.5%

  • Total voters


Staff member
I am curious how people feel about civilians carrying concealed weapons. Please vote and let me know why you are voting the way you are. Of course I am referring to legally carrying a gun.
I don't think civilians should be allowed to carry concealed weapons. The more weapons on the streets the more possibilities for violence, so I think that law enforcement agents should carry guns to maintain order and that's it. Why does a civilian need a gun?
Good responsible people are not the problem. The thug/criminal are the ones to worry about. I heard about many times where a good citizen with a gun stopped a felony in progress and held the suspect at gun point until the cops arrived. I'm all for CONCEAL CARRY
I'm all for conceal carry.
Peninha, you think that only law enforcement should carry weapons, well that theory is shot to hell (pun intended), the retired police officer in Florida who shot someone in a theater because he thought his life was in danger because the other guy threw pop corn at him. This was truly someone who thought he was above the law
Count me in for conceal carry. It's also my second amendment right if I so choose. If Chicago didn't outlaw guns there wouldn't be so much crime. The criminals have a field day knowing that you can't protect yourself.
The idea of seeing civilians carrying concealed weapons kind of freaks me up. Depending on who is allowed to carry them and the amount of testing they go through(both physical and psycological) I can see it as a positive or negative thing. At the same time it can be useful for his defense or even someone else's if he witnesses somebody beeing shot at, for example, it can also be dangerous if the person is not mentally stable enough to carry a firearm. All in all, that firearm can even be jacked from him during a pull-robbery and used against himself.
Your right it can go both ways, but if your concealed they don't know you have it, and if needed you don't pull it out only to threaten the person committing the crime you have to be prepared to use it. It takes less than 1 second for someone with a gun to shot you.
Your right it can go both ways, but if your concealed they don't know you have it, and if needed you don't pull it out only to threaten the person committing the crime you have to be prepared to use it. It takes less than 1 second for someone with a gun to shot you.

That's true and you have a point. I mean, after all, it's great because people can defend themselves, I'm just worried about those who'll get it and use it for bad purposes.
people NO. only properly trained officers. maybe not even officers. only the military. look at all the innocent people being gunned down because of weak laws governing gun control in america. britain , no guns allowed. officers carry around beat sticks
Yes,they have every right to carry one unless the government can prove that they are not eligible to,by mental disease or criminal record.We can't be depending on cops to protect us all the time.It is for self defense.On a serious note,i would not hesitate to shoot someone if my life, health, or family is in danger.
people NO. only properly trained officers. maybe not even officers. only the military. look at all the innocent people being gunned down because of weak laws governing gun control in america. britain , no guns allowed. officers carry around beat sticks

Compare the amount of criminals having and using lethal firearms in America and UK. If American police officers would go around armed with beat sticks, they'd be harrassed and simply shot down by criminals on the run. Realities are different in every country, and you have to adjust the police force to the criminal reality of your country, else, police will either be overpowered, or seen as a joke. (Like arming every UK police officers with lethal weapons, would make them overpowered.)
This is pretty much a cultural question, in the US there is a huge gun culture, but in other countries that culture doesn't exist and no one has a gun. Where are more people killed I ask? In the US, just look at the stats, no questions about it.
Compare the amount of criminals having and using lethal firearms in America and UK. If American police officers would go around armed with beat sticks, they'd be harrassed and simply shot down by criminals on the run. Realities are different in every country, and you have to adjust the police force to the criminal reality of your country, else, police will either be overpowered, or seen as a joke. (Like arming every UK police officers with lethal weapons, would make them overpowered.)

Enforcing a no gun policy for EVERYONE. there would be no upper hand for the criminals because they would have no access to guns either. Officers could carry around tasers or clubs or anythign to down someone. It works . Do you hear about school shootings and a husband killing his family and himself over losing his job in the UK ? Do you know how many innocent people die in the United States because it is so easy to get an illegal firearm? In the UK the criminals don't have guns either. They have simply made it impossible for anyone to get a gun except for military.
I'm all for conceal carry.
Peninha, you think that only law enforcement should carry weapons, well that theory is shot to hell (pun intended), the retired police officer in Florida who shot someone in a theater because he thought his life was in danger because the other guy threw pop corn at him. This was truly someone who thought he was above the law
Ouch you have an exact point on that one. I feel citizens should have the right to carry conceal as long as you can stop a felony in progress. Besides I have seen more incidents where law enforcement went too far on the lethal force and ruined lives.
I have mixed opinions on this. If a gas station was getting robbed then a concealed carry user can just whip out his gun and take care of the situation. But if a couple were having an argument in public, and were both angry. Being angry makes you do stupid things right? what if one of them took out their gun and threatened the other.
Enforcing a no gun policy for EVERYONE. there would be no upper hand for the criminals because they would have no access to guns either. Officers could carry around tasers or clubs or anythign to down someone. It works . Do you hear about school shootings and a husband killing his family and himself over losing his job in the UK ? Do you know how many innocent people die in the United States because it is so easy to get an illegal firearm? In the UK the criminals don't have guns either. They have simply made it impossible for anyone to get a gun except for military.

How can you possibly stop gun traffic in a country like the USA? It's big, can be accessed from many countries and hey, there's something called corruption, that's not controllable. Guns would just become more expensive but also more useful for criminals. Most of the kills are caused by illegal guns any ways, not registered firearms used by people with a concealing license.

It's impossible to end the traffic in the USA right now.
No, I don't believe they should. I would be pretty frantic if I knew that a lot of the people I pass daily had a gun beside them. It would incite fear to me and other people, which would probably result in me and other people carrying guns too. Also, I'm not too confident on gambling my life on whether or not I manage to cross paths with someone that's really trigger happy.

Of course, I might be talking out of my ass and all this is false.. but that's just my opinion.
Well, I am in the minority.

No - I do not believe civilians should be allowed to carry concealed weapons. I believe this practice does more harm than good. People either end up hurting themselves or someone else in error. So, I wish the U.S. had stricter gun control laws. At the very least, there should be a more thorough background check being done for people who want high powered weapons.
Cops although ready to be enforcers they often show up after the crime is committed and there is nothing left to do but to declare the area a crime scene. If the criminal were confronted with the same force the story would be different. I'm all for conceal carry
They should absolutely be allowed. It's in the Constitution, no matter how you try to misconstrue it. I think there should be background checks and psychological evaluation involved, but if you pass both of those with zero red flags, you should be allowed.