How Many Cases Go Unreported?


Well-Known Member
A cop stops a car driven by a woman who is drunk. He should arrest her but he offers the woman a choice. Either she has sex with him and he lets her go free or . . .

Sounds like something meant to give police a bad rap? Well, a news story I read earlier which dates back a little confirms the fact that some police officers officers ask for sexual favors from women drivers/suspects and others make bizarre demands [like the cop who asked a drunk female driver to kick him in the groin because "he loved it"].

How often do you think police officers get away with this kind of stuff because those women might not even remember what happened the previous night?
Many like these are bound to go unreported because the favors are mutual and the woman mostly won't know what happened last happens all across the globe and you can't curb it unless the cops themselves realize that they need to execute their duty in line with the requisites of their work,lest it seems only like a distant probability.
A cop stops a car driven by a woman who is drunk. He should arrest her but he offers the woman a choice. Either she has sex with him and he lets her go free or . . .

Sounds like something meant to give police a bad rap? Well, a news story I read earlier which dates back a little confirms the fact that some police officers officers ask for sexual favors from women drivers/suspects and others make bizarre demands [like the cop who asked a drunk female driver to kick him in the groin because "he loved it"].

How often do you think police officers get away with this kind of stuff because those women might not even remember what happened the previous night?

I think with cases in the news like Ferguson and racial discrimination being a hot topic we could see more body cameras used and a lot more safety going into police work. Overall I think issues need to be tackled and to stop officers being above the law themselves there needs to be changes within the departments themselves.
A cop stops a car driven by a woman who is drunk. He should arrest her but he offers the woman a choice. Either she has sex with him and he lets her go free or . . .

Sounds like something meant to give police a bad rap? Well, a news story I read earlier which dates back a little confirms the fact that some police officers officers ask for sexual favors from women drivers/suspects and others make bizarre demands [like the cop who asked a drunk female driver to kick him in the groin because "he loved it"].

How often do you think police officers get away with this kind of stuff because those women might not even remember what happened the previous night?

Obviously, since it is unreported, no one knows for sure. It would be like asking what percentage of precinct A is corrupt? It is impossible to know. The answer is going to be completely dependent on what a person thinks of their local police, or police in general. To answer, I think it is a lot lower than what some might think. In this day and age of political correctness, and whipping out the ol' cell phone and telling on people, I feel even cops would be very hesitant to cross that line.
I think that would happen far often that people think it does. That's a scenario that some people think is sexually appealing, so it would be scandalous. Guys like to imagine some sexual fantasy...that's about it.

In reality, if a woman was THAT drunk, she's most likely puking all over the place or in need of hospital attention to make sure she doesn't overdose.
I'm not sure how valid these reports are. OK, there will have been some incidents of this happening over the years but I bet they are few and far between.
A cop stops a car driven by a woman who is drunk. He should arrest her but he offers the woman a choice. Either she has sex with him and he lets her go free or . . .

You have the story backwards, usually it is the woman who offers the officer sex if he will let her off. Then if the officer gets caught, the woman will claim that the officer was the one that initiated. If the woman initated then both of them should be charged. A lot of this can be prevented by having officers wear cams.

I had several women friends who would boast how they got out of minor traffic infractions by flashing the officers their breasts and flirting with him. It probably happens a lot.