Have you ever gotten out of a ticket by flirting?


Well-Known Member
The old standby is that all a woman has to do is show a little cleavage, and the cop's eyes bulge and his tongue droops like a cartoon character, and she gets nothing but ogling eyes. As a male, I don't see this very likely, from either standpoint. Are very many women brave enough to really try this? If I was a policeman, if I found her attractive or not, I would not take kindly to it. The cop really is just being played. She's not interested in him, only in getting out of a ticket. What do you think?
I actually know someone who met their spouse this way so it does work, at least occasionally. I can definitely see it working better for women on a male officer than it does for a male on a female officer.
Nope. Can't say I've ever gotten out of a ticket by flirting. Neither have I ever known anyone who did. I have gotten out of one by being married to the mayor's nephew, however. And my mother got out of one once by telling the officer that she deliberately ran a stop sign because of the snow during the summer. She'd become accustomed, she said, to running that particular stop sign on a hill months before because it was nearly always slick and she didn't want to lose momentum and slide backwards. The cop told her that was the best one he'd heard in awhile and let her go.
Wow! I can't believe that this actually happens! I thought that this way the type of thing that you only see in movies. It's pretty awesome to know that some people have gotten off tickets via flirting. Do you think it works more on male cops or female cops? Do you think that this is the kind of thing that even matters? I'm just fascinated by the fact that this actually works.
I don't believe that this is a common thing. Some police might give the person a more harsh treatment for trying. Technically, it's a bribe. The cop might think that the person is trying to seduce them, and then it would be solicitation. Things could go from a small ticket to a prostitution charge if they aren't careful! When it does happen, I am sure it is mainly a male officer, and a female pulled over. I don't see it working well the other way around.
The old standby is that all a woman has to do is show a little cleavage, and the cop's eyes bulge and his tongue droops like a cartoon character, and she gets nothing but ogling eyes. As a male, I don't see this very likely, from either standpoint. Are very many women brave enough to really try this? If I was a policeman, if I found her attractive or not, I would not take kindly to it. The cop really is just being played. She's not interested in him, only in getting out of a ticket. What do you think?

It all depends on the cop. He might not give a ticket to somebody he want to get next to. Especially if he really want to get next to her. So if a female takes her chances flirting with a cop, then she has to go all the way and give it up. LOL!

I did get out of getting tickets by acting bratty with cops. Though I wouldn't recommend doing that just because it worked for me on several occasions. It was a surprise actually, and not a deliberate plot. I didn't want a ticket and went ballistic, and it worked to get me out it. LOL! I argued my azz off with them!
Wow, does the OP realize its 2014, almost 2015 out there? If only it were that easy to get out of a ticket. Unless the Officer is just a total Horn Dog, I don't see this happening. There are plenty of female Police Officers out there now, and I am sure men could try this strategy as well..... but still only a weak person would fall for it.
I have flirted my way out of a ticket many times. Being a "pretty young thing" definitely has its advantages. Its not so much sex appeal as much as its you being young, nice, and cute. All people, including police, are more likely to let things slide if you are nice to them and show that you don't really know any better. If you are nice and compliment a police officer and use your naivety and looks to your advantage, you can easily flirt your way out of a ticket.
Cops are but human and principals vary across the spectrum. There are those who might let a pretty woman get by just because she's pretty and made some excuse but there are those who will listen, ogle, etc but will hand out the ticket anyway because they must do their work. So IMO, while some cops may fall for flirting, most won't.