Favorite TV Cop


When I was growing up I actually thought about being a cop because of Carl Winslow from Family Matters. He was a good husband and father and even a good neighbor to Urkel. As annoying as Urkel was, that had to be hard.

I always admired him and I thought he was all of the great things he was because of his profession. That might not be true, but as a kid you don't know that.

So who is your favorite TV cop and why?
My favorite tv cop is Elliott Stabler from Law and Order: SVU! I've always thought he was handsome...and the depth of his character is really just amazing.
Mine is less of a cop and more of a detective, but...

it is Jake Peralta from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. His character is integral in keeping me interested in the series (his humor, his rivalries, etc.) and is quite like able as well. Whatever episode you watch, you can be sure that he will interest you.
When I was growing up I actually thought about being a cop because of Carl Winslow from Family Matters. He was a good husband and father and even a good neighbor to Urkel. As annoying as Urkel was, that had to be hard.

I always admired him and I thought he was all of the great things he was because of his profession. That might not be true, but as a kid you don't know that.

So who is your favorite TV cop and why?
My favorite TV cop is of course going to have to be Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead. I am completely satisfied with his performance, even if he technically isn't a cop anymore. That's only because the world ended; he's still one at heart. And maybe he lost his mind for a little while; we all do at some point (am I right, or am I right?). I like this guy so much I have a stencil sticker on my laptop that say's, "What would Rick do?" Not that I see the man as Jesus, but still good question when coming across hard decisions ;)
OK, going a little old school here, but The Commish! I just liked the fact that he was a family man, a tough guy, but had a great heart, and was all about truth and justice.
My favorite TV cop is of course going to have to be Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead. I am completely satisfied with his performance, even if he technically isn't a cop anymore. That's only because the world ended; he's still one at heart. And maybe he lost his mind for a little while; we all do at some point (am I right, or am I right?). I like this guy so much I have a stencil sticker on my laptop that say's, "What would Rick do?" Not that I see the man as Jesus, but still good question when coming across hard decisions

I completely forgot about Rick! He is definitely one of the best cop characters on TV today. I still love Carl Winslow, but if I had to choose a current character Rick Grimes definitely has my vote.

It amazes me that he still holds on to the morals and ethic of a good cop during a zombie apocalypse. Most people would have given up on that a long time ago. That makes him pretty cool in my opinion.
I used to love Top Cop very much, we used to watch different episodes as a family when we were young. Everybody would gather in the sitting room just before the show started airing. We would then sit around and discuss the show afterwards. Those were very happy moments.
Andy Sipowicz from NYPD Blue, Lenny Briscoe L&O, and John Munch L&O and Homicide: Life on the Street. Andy and Lenny were great officers who faced and conquered their own demons. They were real people who did not sugarcoat things for people, and did not try to be something they weren't. Munch constantly looked for the good and bad in everyone and everything. I think his skepticism about the government often made him a better detective because he thought outside of the box. I would have loved to see Munch and Sipowicz together. Andy wouldn't have had the book smarts nor the patience to deal with Munch. It would have been fun to watch.
It has to be Kojak - very old school. He was just very cool. How many cops can get away with walking around sucking a lollipop solving crime, saying "Who loves ya baby"?