
  1. Police interrupt Robbery 6201 North Front Street - YouTube

    Police interrupt Robbery 6201 North Front Street - YouTube

    On 1-26-15 at approximately 10:18am, Burglary Detail (plainclothes) Officers Sherman and Austin assigned to the 35th District were located in the parking lot...
  2. M

    Florida Highway Patrol

    I was arrested for petty theft and burglary when I was younger. They put me in a juvenile probation program and I completed it, the case was closed and I wasn't charged. I would like to know if I can go and work for the Florida Highway Patrol. With my past history, does anyone know if it is...
  3. meyerj941

    Code 2

    I have a question, if calls that are currently in progress, like burglary, assualts, robbery, sex assualts that are in progress are code 3. I wanted to know what calls would you go code 2?