Your major in college?


Well-Known Member
What was your major in school? What is your major if you still go to school?

I go to University at the moment and I'm doing a science degree in geoscience (earth is awesome, eh?) What about you guys?


Well-Known Member
Just thinking about it makes me laugh. I had like two majors in College that switched to back and forth. First one was Computer Science, because I love computers but the problem was they forced me go take "Intro to Computers" and I felt stupid because I already knew everything and having to relearn that stuff over was an irritation. The second one was Criminal Justice. Never ended up in a job with anything having to do with either.


Well-Known Member
I took up Journalism in college. I was really aiming for Veterinary Medicine, but my parents couldn't afford to send me to vet school.


Active Member
My first choice of what would be my major in college is Doctor, Nurse, but I think hard and ended up with Computer Science, I was into computer stuff ever since and my personality fits perfectly to it. I have a passion for computers and technology.


Well-Known Member
I majored in music performance, I really regret that now, I wasted a lot of my life pursuing music, to my great detriment. Fortunately I had a student job the last year or so doing linen crew and found out how much I love that kind of work. I have been doing housekeeping ever since and loving it.


I studied Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Hawaii. Got a masters degree.

It's basicly engineering at management and level but a large scale. Imagine finding a brand new piece of land and creating everything from scratch. Civil, water lines, electrical...........planning everything from the ground up. It's like the game the sims.


Well-Known Member
I just now graduated,a mechanical Engineering major under Anna university,chennai.
I am looking at expanding the horizon and pursuing a masters in energy systems,but right now,i would love to gain an insight in to how the sector actually works and i am doing an intern in NLC for the same.


Well-Known Member
I majored in marketing though I currently work as a banker and I rarely use my marketing skills. Though I believe marketing helps in every situation.