What is the protocol for partners who can't stand each other?


Well-Known Member
In TV shows such as Common Law, cops who are opposites often end up as partners. At times, they bicker back and forth like cats and dogs. Yet, together, these police officers end up catching the bad guys. I can't imagine this to be true in real life.

What is the protocol for partners who can't stand each other?:cool:


Well-Known Member
I don't know if there is a protocol, in this case common sense should prevail, or they behave like grown ups or they change partners, that simple.


Well-Known Member
I can only imagine being stuck in a car all day with someone I couldn't stand, I would assume they either just suck it up or they request a transfer. Not entirely sure though.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if a supervisor would then be the best person to talk to about that situation. Unfortunately there are bad apples you have to pick up and throw away.


Well-Known Member
If the ycan't stand each other,then they needa change.There is nothing better than talking to the higher authorities.
As @Peninha said,it is just common sense,it is you who has to choose wisely.
A supervisior would be the best person to discuss it in this case.


Well-Known Member
If you keep it professional then it will work, I think we have all been in a position where we have worked with someone we don't like much, you can either make it work, or not.


Active Member
I doubt they can get transferred based on personality, so most likely most of them suck it up and move past it.


Well-Known Member
I guess they have the option to change partner if they really can't stand each other to the point it can affect their job and performance.