What is the Law about a Officer using a knife in a struggle


Well-Known Member
Lets say I was in a struggle with a perp, is it ok for me to use a pocket knife if I don't have the ability to reach my gun and I feel my life is in danger. What force am I allowed to use to protect myself in this type of instance?


The law doesn't say that if you don't have access to your gun you must sit there and get beat down. If your life is threatened you are able to use what ever means at your disposal to protect yourself.
Makes sense, after all in that crucial moment when you could lose your life I think you'd do anything you could to stay alive even if it was against the law.


Do police officers usually carry a knife? If not it would be odd for one to carry it with them anyway. But I don't see why an officer shouldn't use whatever they can to protect their life.


Well-Known Member
If the situation you're involved in allows the usage of your handgun, then it also allows the usage of your knife, in my understanding. It all depends on the situation, type of danger you're facing and enemy weapon, I think.


Well-Known Member
I have never seen a police officer with any thing other than his gun or tazer. I would think it would be frowned upon if you brought your crocodile dundee kinife from home.


Well-Known Member
Police officers actually have knives I believe, rather large ones, if I'm not mistaken, in some places they're standard issue, although I've never heard of them using them to stab anyone. But with that being said, an officer being attacked is just like anyone being attacked which means self defense is warranted, but most officers have a 6th sense and generally know in advance to have their gun ready.


Well-Known Member
In terms of self defense anything is allowed.The law allows for usage of weapons when your life is at risk.In this case,the pocket knife is now a legal weapon authorized for killing if your life is in danger.For that instance,the law states that even if you are not a cop you can still use a weapon to harm a person(read "HARM"),if your life is at stake.


Well-Known Member
I thought police officers would not be allowed to have a knife. I always knew they had the night stick and taser stungun. I thought having a knife would go against department regulations.